Chapter 31

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"I did the best I could a-and, to my parents, it wasn't enough. But eventually, I learned was for the better and that we're happier now because of it."
I've been talking to Willow for a while now and I think I've managed to tell her the pros and cons of her situation, but I'm no professional. I just..have a fucked up life? I guess.
  "Plus, Your here. At East High! Your going to own this, but not if you don't do this. So, c'mon?" I take her hand and pull her in the room.
  I go up to Nini and tap her.
"She's ready." I say with a big smile on my face.  I look over at Willow who was wiping her tears away but with a genuine smile.
"Uh great. Can I talk to Ricky first?" She asks, looking at Willow who eventually nods.
She pulls me back out into the hallway that I had just spent 30 minutes in and leans against the brick wall.
"Did I?...drag you into this? I probably should've let you known about it before I just grabbed you and forced you to talk to a sophomore about her family issues."
"It's fine. I'm just happy to be here."
She gives me a smile before a raised eyebrow.
"You realized you just got out of a jail cell right?"
"And do you want to be here?"
"Are you comfortable in staying in a guys house you don't even know?"
She sighs and smiles.
"Alright. Ready when you are."

  I don't get it. I do everything to lead me a suspect but EJ? I know him. I met him last year on his campus when he decided to somehow get into a car crash in the parking lot. He's a cool dude, nothing more or less. No where near someone who'd rape a girl as innocent as Nini.
I get up and grab my vest before heading to my patrol car.

I knock on the brown, oak wood door and wait patiently. It's weird. Being here. Last time I was here, I didn't even know it. Remember when I told you I met EJ on his campus? Well before I was...this.. I got invited to parties a lot. Even after I graduated and I had decided to go to EJ's, not evening know it was his. Still had fun though.
"Hello?" I shout, continuing to knock on the door. "Police. Open up."
There's a car in the drive way, someone is home, and I need to know who.
"Last Warning! Open the door!"
Eventually, the door creaks and the same green eyed man stands there, except he looks sort of....fucked up?
"EJ," I begin, "long time no see."
"Yeah. Uhm. What are you doing here?"
"I well..." I pause. I don't have any proof, let alone reason to question him. "I-..."
He lifts a brow.
"Nothing. Just wanted to check up on a dude." I put my hand out and he shakes it with much confusion.
"Uhm," he chokes out a chuckle, "okay then. Uhm. Do you want to come in or?"
"Sure. Sure."

I enter his house, and it's the same. Besides the fact that it's much cleaner.
"So you just..came by to say hi?"
"Yeah. I haven't see you in a while and I just wanted to check up on you," I sit on his couch, "gotta make sure you don't crash your car again right?"
He stumbles as he forces a laugh. I don't say anything.
"It's 3;56 and a Thursday. Don't you have any plans?"
He runs into one of the rooms and comes back out with a worried demeanor.
"Is something wrong?" I ask, sitting up.
His eyes slowly returns back to normal and he gives off a big sigh.
"It's..Fine. Just forgot about something." He replies, sitting down next to me.
"No. Um. If you need me to go, I'll go. You can go do whatever you were planning to do or-"
"No. Trust me. I just needed a small break from it anyway."
I pause and think.
"What did you need to do?" I question.
He smiles.
"Ever heard of High School Musical, The Musical?" He responds.

"Do you want to do anything before we leave?" I ask as we walk out of East High. "We don't have to go to his place right away you know."
"Yeah. I know. But, it would probably be best to go to his place now. I can find some sort of way to pay him back." He replies.
"Alright. Cool. Yeah." I'm awkward. I know. But, he actually JUST got out of jail. Yet, here I am, trying to act cool and what not's weird. We reach the car.
"Hey Nini," he begins, putting his seatbelt on.
"That night..or the many nights but this specific night. I did try and find you."
I laugh a confused laugh.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"That night.."
"What night?"
"Nini. That night."
"What night?"
"THAT night.."
"Ricky, saying that night each time isn't going to help me understand whatever the hell your saying."
"The night of the play! I tried to find you after that night and I couldn't. When I left, I immediately regretted it a-and when I walked in, I was aggressive like? And it scared people and I'm pretty sure I scared the whole cast and crew and I think I scared myself. Then the day where EJ decided to grab my collar because I was a complete asshole made me rethink everything as well. And when you left, Kourtney went up to me and we talked about how stupid I was and I-"
"I don't know why. Why I moved to Chicago. Why I went to UCLA, or why I broke up with you. But I don't know if-"
"If we are fine now. Like friends fine. Because, that's all I think we can be. Life basically just told us muiltiple times over that that's all we can be. And yes. Yes, I know. That's off topic. Sorry."
"Why are you apologizing about something that happened merely 3 years ago? And yes, we are fine. Friends fine. Roommates fine. That's all we're gonna be." I smile and chuckle.
"It's been on my chest for those 3 years. And good. T-that's good. We're good."
"Yeah. Of course."

Yeah. We're good. We're......good.

I'm sorry guys! I keep getting off schedule! I'm trying hard. Very hard so just keep reading and more chapters will be coming your way!

Shoutout to:

For saving my story into their libraries!

(Sorry if I spelt, or didn't finish your name. I'm extremely tired right now heh)

Enjoy your day or night!

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