Chapter 29

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"I don't know why you aren't in an actual jail facility.." I say, looking out the bars of the place. "You assaulted someone."
"Don't need to tell me again.." he replies as I turn around.
"Was it Ms Jenn? Dad? Did you hurt Ms Jenn?" I ask, eyes watery.
"Ricky. I haven't seen you in 3 years and I don't necessarily think this is an ideal place for us to catch up." He says, sloppily sitting on the bench they provided.
"Not funny Dad. Was it her? Why did you touch her!?" I don't know why I'm so angry but I think I have good reason considering where I am right now.
"I'm not going to explain to my son, who is also in jail, why I'm in jail...with him."
"Your gonna have to considering that I'm going to be here for 3 days. I don't know or care about you, but your going to say something eventually." I say, crossing my arms as I lean on the bars. "So this is your chance. To at least come clean to your son."
He gives me a large sigh.
"Ricky I don't know what to tell you!"
"Tell me that your a criminal that don't give 2 shits about anyone or anything!"
I'm too frustrated. I can't do anything useful anymore. I stare at my supposed father figure.
"Don't tell me anything, but we are the only 2 in here. Nothings stopping you from doing anything."
How did I support this? Him?! How did I support him?

"Sorry. I didn't know you were awake," I say as I put on my vest. Nini had walked out of her room.
"No your fine. To be honest I was awake for the most of the night anyway." She admits with a smile. "You going to work now?"
"Yeah. I left a key on the table for you so you can leave and come back whenever you desire."
"Oh okay. Thanks."
It was weird seeing a girl in my shirt, but it's not like I didn't like it.
"Alright, I'll be on my way. I'll see you later." I open the door and shut right back as I head to the elevator. I don't just allow random people to stay at my dorm, but Nini is an exception I don't regret. She's cool. I like her.
I get into my car and make my way to the police station.

Flashback * Lachlan's Past
"I did it mom..." I say quietly as I sit next to the burdened grave. " I won't be doing what I desire most to do but..I'll support myself. With or without Dads help."
A tear streams down my face but I quickly wipe it away.
"Y'know.." my voice is broken. "I always wondered how it felt. Having the world underneath your feet. Being like you. Strong, independent, beautiful. I always will. I also..will always have a question I don't think anyone can answer except you." I pause. "How'd you do it? How did you manage to be an amazing mother and deal with your health..a-and me. How'd you deal with me of all people?"
I couldn't help but laugh at the thought.
"Damn I was an asshole..wasn't I?"
I pause again. It was remembering the parties, the moments, hell, even the alcohol
"I'm sorry. I really am. But you just wait mom." I stand up. "You just wait. I'm going to earn the life I deserve. The one we both deserved."
I stand up and head back to my car that is full of my friends.
"You alright man?" Holden asks, putting down his phone. "I mean you've been going here everyday si-"
"Yeah," I interrupt, "I'm fine. Let's just go and have some fun huh?"
  "What's up?" I ask as I walk into the police station. The chief was standing by my desk with out much ease.
  "Woodson," he drops a file on my desk, "your the one who alerted Nina Roberts about Richard Bowen, correct?"
"Uhm. Yeah. Yeah. That was me. Why?" I take the file off of my desk and open it.
"The photo. The photos missing." He explains. "No one could've gotten in here unless they were in here before."
"That's impossible. The only person here was Nini and she doesn't even know that she's the accused victim of him." I flip through the file.
  "Either way, the evidence is gone. We can't go to trial."
  "So, he's basically a free man.."
"Yup. Let him out in the next 10 hours. I don't care when."
  Huh..that was much easier than I thought.

  Last night was full of board games and movies, and it wasn't awkward for some reason. It was basically something I'd do with Ricky.
  I head back to the room and change out of his shirt back into Ginas hoodie. A phone call causes me to jump.
"For fucks sakes," I say quietly as I unplug and answer the unknown ID. "Nini Salazar Roberts."
"Wow, you give away your name so easily." It was Lachlan.
"How'd you get my number?!" I ask with genuine concern.
"When will you realize that I still have your ID?" I check my wallet and he was right. "Beside the point, you need to get to the police station."
"What why?"
"Trust me. Your going to want to come here."
I look around the room and lick my lips.
"And how am I supposed to get there? I don't have any money to get an Uber."
"It's not that far a walk. Maybe just a mile."
That sentence just gets my head back to PE and I feel like I have some sort of PTSD with it.
"Fine. Just want to let you know that you shouldn't ever tell me that. I was a theatre kid, not an athlete."
"Alright," he says laughing, "I'll see you in a bit."
  I hang up the phone and bring my belongings.

  "What?" I say, breathing heavy for absolutely no reason. "What is it?"
  "Uhm. I thought you'd might want to be here when I do this." He gets up and heads to a different room and returns with Ricky. He looks just as surprised as I am.
  "Ricky!" I run up to him and give him the biggest hug I could ever give. He returns the favor and places his head on my shoulder.
  "Why didn't you ever te-" he stops mid sentence, causing me to release my grip.
  "What?" I question.
  "Nothing. Nothing." He returns his gaze to Lachlan. "Why am I out early?"
"The evidence put against you was stolen,"
  "Stolen?" Me and Ricky ask in unison.
"Meaning that you won't be going to trial. The case is practically closed at this point."
I give a heavy sigh and return my grip onto Ricky, who chuckles.
"But the place you rented, the owner, she canceled your rent and refunded the remaining money. But it's no problem if you guys stay at my place until you guys head back or get a new place, I don't mind."
  I give Ricky a look.
"My money is still in the house," I complain.
"Same.." Ricky says, giving me a look I miss.
"I can email owner and I'm sure she can drop your personal belongings off. You guys can stay at my place until then."
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yeah. Of course. It's no problem at all."
He gives me a smile that was very warm and welcoming. I return the favor.

Ricky and Nini are back together!
I've concluded that you guys dislike Lachlan😂 I'm going to find out just how much I can get you guys to like him. He is a very big part in the storyline.

Shoutout to:
@user1046 (sorry I can't do the rest of your numbers)
For saving my story into their libraries!

Enjoy your day or night!😂❤️

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