Chapter 17

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    "So. Being Gabriella is definitely an amazing experience, so make sure you have fun. Don't over think it. Just go with it."
Willow, the new Gabriella, is an amazing singer but I swear she thinks that her life depends on it. She's gorgeous and literally has everything she needs to succeed in life but she just worries too much.
"Also, her voice is well...extremely high so you might want to try your best to at least some what match her pitch. If not, don't worry about it." I say calmly, hoping she won't go crazy over it.
"Oh okay," she responds, "but I sort of have a problem."
My head turns in response.
"I can not dance for hell! I have 2 left feet and a tail that is unstable."
I laugh at the comment, allowing me to take my mind back to when me and Ricky tried dancing together for the first time.
"Don't worry about it. When me and Ricky started, we were horrible. You wouldn't want to see us on stage if it were the first day. Ms Jenn and the choreographers will help you." I answer.
She moves her head to the side before returning her gaze to me.
"How are you and Ricky doing?. I heard that you and Ricky were the "IT" couple when you guys performed." She says, causing my heart to race.
"Oh..uhm. Ricky and I..we broke up after the play. It's been 3 years since I seen him and's a long story. To shorten it, we ended up going to the same university and inevitably became roommates. It was one of the more....awkward..moments." I respond in an awkward manor.
Willows eyes widen in the thought. She began looking at Ricky and back at me consistently.
"Are you sure he doesn't have...I don't know..feelings? For you? Because he's been taking small looks at you for maybe 10 minutes now."
I quickly turn my body, immediately made eye contact with Ricky, who was talking to Hunter. I wave before turning my body back to hers.
"No. There's nothing going on now. Trust me." I assure.
She raises an eyebrow in response.
"Trust me. And what about you? I heard that you and Hunter had a lil something going on." I say, trying to change the subject of me and Ricky.
"Oh please. Hunter and I are never going to happen," she says as she takes a glance at the brunette boy. "He's just. He is just too much for me and he can definitely be an asshole. I'm not going to date an asshole."
I give her a "okay suree.." look before looking up at Ms. Jenn, who was announcing something.
"Alright. Let's rehearse scene 7!" She shouts, giving a bright smile.
I begin walking back and soon make it to Ricky, who was standing at the door with his arms crossed.
"How's your lead doing?" I ask as I stand by him.
"Good. He's a player though. Not a big fan of those guys." He responds in concern. "He's a football player. His schedule could ruin his rehearsals, events and even the play. He could easily fuck this up."
His response takes me by surprise. I like that he is serious about this.
"Great. She's falling for yours though." I reply.
"She tell that you?" He asks, turning his head and lowering it to make eye contact with me.
"No," I say sighing, "I could tell from her eyes when she denied it. She did what I used to do."
I caught his unwanted attention with the sentence.
"Did you do that with me?" He genuinely asks.
"Yeah," I respond, softly laughing. "Only one I did it with." I focus my attention back to the duet who sang "What I've Been Looking For" perfectly. I could see Ricky smiling in the corner of my eye.
As they finish the performance, I begin to clap lightly, allowing others to do the same; including Ricky.
"Alright, our original cast has to go today, but they will be back tomorrow. Make sure to thank them on their way out!" Ms Jenn shouts as the pair walks off the stage.
"Ready to go?" Ricky asks as he picks up his phone from the ground. "I started the truck already. You won't be cold."
I smile in response.
"Yeah I'm ready. Sorry for yelling at you." I apologize, hoping it was sincere enough.
"It's no problem. It was mostly my fault." He responds, smiling.

"Do you want to visit tomorrow?" Ricky asks quietly as we enter the house. "We can go today if you want to.."
My eyes water slowly when I heard the sentence.
"Tomorrow is fine. I think I just need time to process the thought that is...that..she's gone." I say.
With the fact that I didn't hide my watery eyes very well, Ricky walks up to me before giving me a hug that I sometimes wish lasted longer.
"She isn't gone Nini..she's just. She's fighting. You are too, so don't think to much of it." He says, pulling away.
The sentence causes me to smile as a tear rolls down my cheek. Ricky quickly notices and wipes it away and returns the smile.
"Want to finish movie night?" He asks abruptly, allowing me to laugh.
"Who am I to deny?" I respond.

  Nini fell asleep rather quickly during the movie. I place the popcorn bowl off my lap as I laugh at the sleeping figure in front of me. I reluctantly get up before debating wether or not to pick her up or let her be. Eh, the thin blanket I placed over her wouldn't be much help thinking about it now.
I gently place my arms under her legs and back and pull her up with ease before walking her and placing her onto her bed. I tuck her in before heading back to the living room to clean things up.
  It's weird now. Seeing Nini work, say, or honestly do anything right now. I see my ex..but then I also see the supposed love of my life. It won't be the same.
  A knock on the door stops my train of thoughts. I immediately go to open the door. The face appeared concerned me.
  "Hey..uhm. May I help you?" I ask.

Chapter 17. Enjoy!
Shoutout to:
For saving my story into their libraries!

Part of the other 6 I told you about will also include a guy named Axel. I forgot to mention his name."

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