Chapter 3

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   Finally in my dorm, I set my suitcase down on my bed before putting in earbuds. I already have many, many plans on what to do with my dorm and no "roommate" can stop it since I got a single room.
    Beginning to take out some of my desk supplies, I shuffle many things around in hoping of my satisfaction.
    A muffled voice begins behind me but I think nothing of it, considering the fact that my music has a lot of background vocals in it.
    "Excuse me!" A voice shouts from behind me. "What are you doing?"
     Taking off my earbuds, I turn around quickly in a worried manor. Is..that..Ricky?
     "N...Nini?" He begins, still standing at the dorm frame, "is that...w-what are you doing here?"
     "I could ask you the same thing.." I reply sternly, "s...shouldn't you be in Chicago.."
     "T-this is my dorm?" The sentence gets my heart racing..and not in a good way.
      "Are you kidding me..." I say quietly. "Your dorm? Ricky what are you doing here?!"
     "What? I can't go to college?"
     "Not here! You know that I've been dreaming about going to UCLA."
     "It's been years! Im not going to remember every little thing about my ex!" He answers harshly. "Plus, if I'd have known, this would've been my last option."
      "Anyway, I got a single dorm. How'd you even get a key?!"
      "This is the key I got and the key I'm keeping!"
      "Can girls and boys even share a room?!" I ask/yell in frustration, "forget it, I'm going to the councilors office."
       "No uh. I'm going with you." He replies, letting go of his suit case handle.
         "Don't even think about it." I say, pushing past him.
          "Nope. I'm coming wether you like it or not." He says, getting in front of me. Staring into his eyes, I could do nothing but gaze.
          "Fine," I say breaking eye contact, "but your leaving your luggage out here."
         "What!? No. Someone's going to steal it." He replies pushing his luggage inside.
          "And what could be so valuable in that suit case of yours?" I say, pushing his luggage back out.
           "None of your business. It's staying in..side." He once again pushes it back in.
"Nope." I push it back outside.
"Yes.." he says, pushing it inside once again.
          "GOD!" I shout throwing my hands up in frustration before striding down the hall angrily, Ricky behind me.
          "Why are you so damn angry?" He asks as he trails behind me.
          "Would you be happy if you saw your ex who left you without warning?"
"I did leave a warning, and I personally thought it was rather a very clear one."
"Which was?" I question harshly.
"Our last conversation. The end of the play?"
"I heard no warning that you were going away and not coming back in that conversation."
"The whole damn conversation?! Nini I- I though you understood that I was leaving when I started talking to EJ. Okay maybe it wasn't as clear as I thought but I figured it was best you didn't want to see me" He continues, catching up to me. "Nini Hey!" He says, tapping my shoulder.
"What?!" I turn around in annoyance, "I don't care! I-I don't! I don't care that y-you ran off without telling me. I don't care that you left me in the hospital alone and I don't care that you don't love me. I don't."
I couldn't read his face. The only thing noticeable was the sadness in his eyes and the concern that trails his mouth.
"I..what!? Nini not once have I told you that I haven't loved you and I personally don't care that you don't care. My commitment towards you was there. How could you possibly n-"
"Not now Ricky! Not fucking now." I say quietly, my head tilting towards him. "We are probably annoying the hundreds of people down this hallway and as much as I want scream my lungs out at you right now...I have respect towards others..unlike you. So let's just go and find the problem here...and maybe transfer you to a new god damn school."
The last part was quieter but I'm sure he heard it clearly. The rest of the walk was silent, which is awkward since the walk was quite long. During the duration of the walk, I notice that Ricky's style has change drastically. From hoodies and skinny jeans to a button up shirt and black suit jeans is quite the change. I can't tell if it's because it was the first day or because he possibly matured.
    Heading into the elevator was worse. A smaller, and hotter space, the waiting was annoying the living daylights out of me and I think I've been glancing at him every now and then.
    Finally arriving at the counselors office might've been the best or worst thing that's probably happened to me.
"Hi, excuse me," I say as I walk up to the counter, "so I think there is a mistake of some sort with our dorms. We both have the same dorm key but I signed up for a single room."
"What's your room number?" The man asks sighing.
"Room 264" we say in sync. I turn my head to see Ricky look amused for some reason.
"Names?" The man asks.
"Uh Nini Salazar."
"Ricky Bowen," he trails soon behind me.
"Oh I see," the man says, staring at the screen and occasionally at us, "UCLA was suppose to send you both letters before hand about this."
"About what?" Ricky cuts in, stepping forward.
"About your guys dorms. See well, Nini, you signed up for a single room but unfortunately we weren't able to do that for you. We wanted to accept both of you but the dorm situation was much more difficult than we intended. Anyhow, that's why Ricky showed up to your room." He responds calmly.
"Wait. I thought boys and girls aren't allow to share dorms." I say concerned.
"They aren't. But in this situation, if you guys don't, we will have to kick one of you guys out, and I'm sure sharing dorms won't be that much of a hassle to the point where that's necessary."
Me and Ricky soon make eye contact and for a second I was thinking about saying yes to kicking one of us out, and I probably couldn't have cared less on who they would've chose, but I don't say anything except:
"So that means we have to share a room?"
"Yeah..unless you guys are wi-"
"No, no. That won't be necessary." Ricky cuts in.
"Wait. But there is only one bed." I say, trying to find a way around him.
"Is it a Queen?" He asks blandly.
"Share? Or one of you guys can sleep on the floor. It doesn't matter. Just find a way."
I give Ricky a look that could kill before stomping off without saying a word to either of them.
"Thank you. By the way." I hear Ricky say behind me as I trail off.

I hardly post twice but I'm hoping you guys enjoyed this and last chapter.

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