Chapter 15

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"Not bad..." I say quietly, entering the clean, grey and white space. "I mean...for 340...and as a broke college student...I say we just scored!"
"Hm. I guess so." Ricky inspects, putting our luggage down as he locks the door behind us.
We had decided to stay her for a little over a week. Well, Ricky did. I sort of just went with it since he seemed so happy that we were even going in the first place.
I continue to look through the place, not expecting to see a white couch and a large TV set in the living room. To the marble counters in the kitchen, beautiful plants placed in every corner, to the two fresh, clean bedrooms; I was instantly suspicious.
"Ricky..." I say quietly, still looking around the place. "Are you sure that you bought the right place?"
The look he gave me was dubious, causing more questions to fill my head.
"Well..?" I repeat, raising a brow.
"Okay uhm. Maybe it wasn't 340..." he admits quietly.
" it?"
"'s something along the lines of...2 grand or so..."
My mind goes to concern, confusion, and eventually, anger.
"Ricky! How could you afford that?" I shout, spreading my arms in astonishment.
"Look. It's fine! I wasn't going to let us stay in the cheap, tacky apartment that I saw before. It doesn't really matter. We have a place to stay in."
"Jesus Ricky.." I groan, taking my luggage. "You just need to use your words before doing something like that."
"I didn't know I needed your permission to purchase things." Ricky says, following me with his own suitcase. "Plus why would you care? It's not like you paid for it."
"Okay yeah. But I'm staying here and I feel bad that I couldn't at least split the bill."
"It's fine! I worked over the last 3 years and my mom and her boyfriend have also been supporting me. Just don't worry about it alright?"
I roll my eyes as we come to a stop at the very first room.
"You want this one?" Ricky asks, staring at the white duvet covered bed and marble desk.
"Uh yeah. I can deal with this one," I reply, walking in and placing my suitcase at the door.
"Alright. I'll be in the other room."
I look at the room in wow. I've always wanted a room like this but with my parents situation, it never seemed to happen.
The room seemed futuristic but somehow old and creative. The wooden frame of the bed caught my eye, causing me to smile with how simple but somehow elegant it looked with the classic white bed.
I open my suitcase before grabbing some of my clothes and placing them neatly in the wooden chores. I continue the process till I manage to place the last clothing item in the chore.
I sigh but soon make my way to Rickys room which was only across from mine. When I enter, I immediately notice the change in our rooms. His frame was wooden, but white and his bed was black. It was basically my room but with extra things and a drastic change of color.
"Are we going to do something today or are we waiting till tomorrow?" I ask, startling him.
"Oh," he says, getting up from his bed. "Do you want to do something today?"
  "I mean. When does the rehearsal start?" I reluctantly ask as I enter his room.
  "It starts at 4. So we have about...6 hours?"
It took me a while to process that he was tired.

  "We can just stay here until then." I reply.
  In response, he nods before laying back down, giving me my cue to leave. I sigh as I head back to my room.


   "Hello? Nini? Wake up.."
  The soft voice allows my eyes to slowly open, letting Ricky come to my view.
  "Uhm. Do you want to get something to eat? You haven't eaten in a while." He says, sitting next to me.
  I pull myself up before sliding a hand through my hair, in hopes of fixing it.
  "I- um. What time is it?" I ask, looking around in confusion.
"2:31," he answers smiling.
"Sure..I guess. Let me just get cleaned up and we can go." I say, putting my legs on the ground.
  "Preferably wear something that doesn't involve shorts." He teases, getting up from the bed before raising his hand out for me to take.
I take his hand and push myself up, but only a little too much, causing me to land in his arms rather messily. With his arms under mine, I fore take the situation and push myself up correctly, allowing me to clear my throat and make my way to the bathroom.

"Ready?" Ricky asks as I walk out into the living room.
"Yeah. Where are we going?" I respond, putting on my jacket.
"Up to you. We could go to The Park, fast food restaurants...what else is there?"
I open the door with Ricky behind me to lock it.
"Let's just go to The Park," I reply.
"The Park" is a cafe that me and Ricky would always eat at after school when we were still together. I genuinely don't want to go there but we are only here for a week so we might as well.

"Gee. It feels like I haven't been here for years," Ricky says, causing me to give him a mild look.
"Well you haven't been here in exactly 3 years so..yeah. You haven't been here in years."
Ricky opens the door for me, allowing me to enter through. Entering, I didn't expect to see what I did. At least not now.
"Uhm...Ricky?.." I ask quietly.
"Hm?" He replies, slowly turning in my direction. "Oh..s-.."

It's been so long!
I'm so sorry. I've been feeling quite weird lately and I'm sorry I haven't posted. This is also a sort of short chapter and I'm sorry for that!
Shoutout to:
@1D4ever1997      &         @puppies2
For saving my story into their Libraries!

Yes, I am suppose to post everyday.
No, I don't at times. If I don't, it's going to either be every other day, or if it's times like these, I might post a bit late. I just want to let you guys know I will NOT ever stop the story or put it on hold.
Alright enjoy your day or night!

Honorable shoutouts:

Meeting Me Halfway (HSMTMTS Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz