Chapter 40

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"I'll just have a croissant and a coffee with creamer and sugar," I say to the waiter. With that he's off and it's just me, Ricky, and EJ sitting in silence.

I close my locker hard, not even realizing Kourtney was next to me, watching my every move. I had told her about me and EJ's argument and how he cheated on me. And she was mad. Madder than she ever could be to Ricky if he was here. Even I was afraid.
"How have you been?" She asks, randomly joining me into the hallway.
"Fine. I'm..fine." I say, gripping my books tightly.
"Do you know the girl he cheated on you with?"
"No. If I did though," I say chuckling, "you would be the last person to know."
"What? Why is that?"
"You'd kill the girl. You really would."
"I would. I really would."

I sit on the couch and stare off. I have no homework and absolutely nothing to do. A text message beeping through my phone causes me to pick it up.

HSM Theatre Group!😂❤️

You guys coming to the party Friday?
Big Red:
There's a whole party Friday? Who's house is it at and how come no one told me!?
i forgot bro. you can tell them.
Let me guess, EJ's hosting it?
Seb, I told you this already!
Forgot babe. I might go though, I don't know.
Uhm. I'm not sure. I don't think I'm gonna go. I'm probably going to have homework or something Friday.
You did not just say that...delete that text message right now.
What? It's true! I probably do.
What are you guys spamming about now?
EJ's party. You going?
I'm his cousin Kourtney. Of course I'm gonna go😂

Ricky😁 left HSM Theatre Group!😂❤️

Big Red:
Why'd he leave? You'd think he would be done with all of the drama. It's been what? 4 months since the play?

Weird. It's been only 4 months and I managed to get over Ricky, start to date EJ, then get cheated on. Funny since time waits for no one.

I'm sure it's not that. You guys spam a lot. If I didn't get all of the gossip here, I would've left ages ago.

whatever. just swing by the party. have some fun. you too Nini. please? I need to talk to you soon. it starts at 8 and it ends whenever you desire. gotta log off.

Just text and let the gc know when or if you coming. Cool?

Big Red:
Got it.
I'll see.
I gotchu.
Well...I'm going then heh.

I drop the phone on my lap and lay down on the couch, and slowly and not even knowing why, I cry myself to sleep.

Dream: (This is still in Flashback, but her dream)
"What the fuck Ricky?! You just left! With no damn in the world?" I shout, across the room. I was there again. The dressing room of the play. I was wearing something different. Jeans, not the red dress. Vans, not my Red Converse.
"I left because I wanted to! I needed to! And what I don't get is why your still mad! It's been a year, leave it the hell alone!" Ricky, was standing there, Black Jeans...belt...neatly tucked in white dress shirt. Nothing he'd normally wear. No where near actually.
"Exactly! It's been a year! You! Gone! Out of my life out of no where. What makes you come back now?" I ask loudly. No one was there, but it still felt like that one night. Eyes on both me and Ricky. I look around, but no one was there except the sense of a gazillion eyes on me.
"I hope you know I have a Dad! Something you'd never know the feeling of!"
This isn't real. It isn't! I know it isn't. Still, it hurt, but I'm not ashamed of being raised my moms.
"Hm. Funny Ricky! Last time I checked, having 2 moms is better than 1 who gives less than 2 shits about you!"
"Excuse me? My mom does more than your moms ever will! Hell, my dad does better parenting than yours! They raised a selfish, bratty, hoodlum. Your just plain proof of it all!" He steps closer, making me eager. Eager to slap, punch, or kick him. Hell, I can do all in one go.
"Well. Sorry to tell you, but you dated a Selfish, Bratty, hoodlum. I think that just clears how your a whole hoodlum yourself!"
"Opposites attracted. It's clear I'm the opposite of a plain..." he pauses, "bitch."

Ever heard of the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words could never break me? Yeah well, they were wrong. They broke me.

Immediately, as if it was just a natural reflex, I slap Ricky, hard on the face. I managed to use all of the strength I had in my right hand and just went for it. A tear streams down my face as Ricky stumbles back, a red print on his face.

"Why'd you come back...." I say, my voice Broken. I couldn't control any of the words coming out of my mouth. "All you did was fuck up the life I was ready to go on with. Without you."
"Because I love you."

*End of dream*

I wake up with actually tears streaming down my face. Confusion strikes me like a bus. Ricky never left. Ricky wouldn't leave.
God I'm as fucked up as EJ as this point.

Jesus! That was a painful chapter not gonna lie😂 Chapter 40. Enjoy!
Enjoy your day or night.

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