Chapter 39

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   "The name doesn't necessarily..pop into mind. Marol. Do you know her last name?" I ask. I quickly put the phone away and into my pocket. It's good to know Richard and Nini are safe.
"No. No I don't but EJ and Nini, when they used to date, had these arguments. About when they were in some sort of drama camp."
"And this was what? 3 years ago?"
"Yes. Uhm. My friends and I, we're theatre kids. And Marol, well. EJ poisoned her with a deviled egg, letting Nini take the lead. She came to East High in senior year. She was all over EJ and Nini. She was so...angry? She used to threaten Nini saying that she'd do the same thing EJ did to her. Except, of course, at Nini's cost."
"So she threatened the 2?" I ask.
"Basically. After senior year, she left and I never saw her again. I'm pretty sure she went to Utah University."
"And EJ knows who she is?"
"Yeah. I'm pretty sure."
"Hmpf. Alright thanks Mr. Rodriguez."
"Your already leaving? Any other questions?"
"Not that I know of."

EJ Caswell
I sit at the table. Its 9:56 PM and It's hard to realize that two of my old friends are literally sleeping in my guest room. I hold the coffee mug in my hand. I have so much work to do. Getting a scholarship was amazing, but the work really isn't.
"Hey.." I hear a voice say. I look up and see Nini standing at the doorway of the living room. I grin.
"Can't sleep?" I ask.
"Uh. No." She giggles. "Harder than you think to sleep when a 180 pound guy lays on you. Pushing him off me was a hassle."
I laugh. I'm glad she's happy. I never really was able to do that for her
"So is he just..always? Like that? Because I know for a fact that Ricky Bowen does that shake down like that. I haven't seen him in so long. I literally just noticed the muscles he has like damn." I chuckle.
"He's just shaken up. From his own story of course." She smiles. "Uhm. So how have you been. Haven't seen you in a little while huh?"
"I'm great. Yeah no. Just. Little fed up with school work. It's break and I'm stuck working my ass off. Genuinely sick of it."
"Yeah I don't blame you. School is just a huge piece of shit sometimes." I like laughing and smiling with her. I really do.
"Do you want something to eat? Drink?" I ask, getting up.
"Uh. A water would be great right now. Yeah."
I get up and take a glass out of the cupboards.
"So UCLA huh? How's that going?"
"Not bad. Different,'s not bad."
She comes forward and pulls out a chair.
I need to say it.
"Hey uhm. Remember, a couple of years back when I was a senior. I uhm. I had a party."
I can hear the reluctance in her voice.
"Yeah. Of course."
"We fought that night and I just left my own house. My own party out of all things. And I remember when we were arguing, you were about to leave. But I said -"
"Don't leave my fucking house without my fucking permission... yeah..."
I cringe at her words. I slide the cup over to her.
"And I gripped your wrist pretty hard. And I just. I'm sorry. Yeah...maybe it was a couple of years back but that's all I remember when I think of you. And I was drunk and if that one guy didn't come in and push me away, I don't know what could've happened. The worst fear was laying a hand on you but that was already broken when I grabbed your wrists." I hate saying this but I need to.
She doesn't respond but sort of stare off.
"Hello?" I say soothingly. "You alright?"
"Yeah yeah. Sorry. Your fine EJ. It was a dumb argument I.." she stutters over her words. "It was my fault. Really. It really was. And I'm sorry. So we can take this off your chest."
I raise a brow but soon let it off.
"Right. Sorry I just really needed to apologize. I don't necessarily think I would've lived if I didn't." I force a chuckle.
I lose myself in her eyes for a while before her movement causes me to head back to reality.
"I uh," she pushes the chair in, "I think I'm gonna go to sleep. Thanks, again, for letting us stay here."
"It's no problem. Anytime at all."

  I blink my eyes open but shut them again I'm tiredness. Eventually, I force myself up and roll myself over. Forgetting that Nini was sleeping next to me, I roll over her, causing me to fall off the bed.
   "Ow." I hear Nini blandly say.
   "Funny," I say in the same tone, getting up from the floor. "Morning."
  I scoot past her and lay back down in the spot I once was, except facing Nini.
  "You alright?" She asks. Her hair wasn't as messy as I've seen it, but it was cute.
  "Yeah. I'm fine. I think I just..overreacted for the most part.."
  "But the story. It's really true?"
  "Yeah..uhm. I don't know what they're going to do if they get me to be frank.."
  "I'm sure we will be fine. We'll keep it on the down low and get out when we need to."
  I sigh before flipping myself upwards, leaving me to stare at the ceiling.
  "I forgot we were at EJ's place..."

   "Morning guys," EJ says unexpected as we walk out. He was casually sitting on the counter of his kitchen drinking coffee.
  "I- Uh. Morning." Nini says, walking in front of me. "I'm gonna go grab our luggage so we can change and stuff."
  I planned on saying something, but I thought it was best to just let her be. With that, she slips on her shoes and she's quickly out the door, leaving just me and EJ.
  "You alright? You didn't seem well last night." He asks.
  "Yeah. Yeah. Just...situations Y'know." I force a laugh.
  "Yeah that's what Nini said. Must be serious huh?"
  "Yeah. Uhm. Thanks for letting us stay here."
  "No problem. It's none at all. Do you want anything for breakfast? I'm about to head to the cafe."
  "I'll take Nini there. We can eat and catch up before going to East High."
  I mean what could I possibly say? We have our stuff back and breakfast with an old friend wouldn't hurt. Right?

Chapter 39. Enjoy!
Have a good day or night!

Meeting Me Halfway (HSMTMTS Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum