Chapter 56

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I open the door and step in. I told Ricky I'd be back tomorrow to pick him up. I'm sure he'll be fine overnight.
  "Hey Nini," EJ's voice startles me. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
  "Your fine. How are you?" I put the keys on the table.
  "I'm fine. You?"
  "That's good. I made pasta, you want some?"
  "Yeah, sure. I'm starving."
  I go over to the table and sit down as EJ gets me a plate of pasta.
"So your staying?" He asks, putting the plate in front of me.
"I mean Ricky already told everyone else that we were so..I don't really have much of a say in it anymore."
"Mm. You and Ricky close now?"
I look up at him with an eyebrow raised.
"I know earlier was awkward. Trust me." I admit.
  "Hm," he chuckles, "Your fine. You just seem so off with him. Your happy but mad when your with him. I've never seen anything like it."
  "He's the only person that can make me feel that way."
  "Is that a good thing?"
  "It can be. Depends on the moment." I put down my fork. "Hold on, Sorry for the change of subject but..have you and Gina been talking?"
  "Of course we talk."
"No. I mean..talking talking."
"Talking talking?"
"Like talking but...talking about other things?"
"I'm not following."
"Are you guys dating now?"
"Oh..that's what you meant."
"Yup. Are you guys talking or what?"
"That's a yes. That's a whole yes."
"Maybe. What am I suppose to say to that?"
"Yes or no? But it's fine. You gave it away."
"What made it so obvious?" He leans back in his chair.
"You guys have been ridiculously close lately. Way to close for just friends."
"Mm. Wow."
"You seem happier with her."
"I am. Problem is..she's going to leave soon again. College is a pain."
"The biggest. It's a whole different type of pain. Oh, what college do you go to again?"
"I go to Salt Lake University. Not far."
"And Gina?"
"Farther. She goes to Tampa with Ricky."
I stop and look at him.
"Ricky doesn't go to Tampa. He goes to UCLA with me."
"What?" His voice cracks. "When I invited Ricky to this, he said that he goes to Tampa."
I forgot that he lied about that. I close my eyes.
"Shit. O-okay EJ. So Ricky does this thing sometimes. He tends to do it more than others."
"What is it?"
"Lie. When he's scared, he lies. For some reason, he didn't want you knowing we go to the same school. He didn't tell me why but," I sigh, "I'm sure he has reasons."
He nods as if it makes perfect sense.
"Huh..Got it.."

  I pull up to the hospital and shut my car door hard. I don't know who the hell sent in those photos, but I don't care. I just need to keep my guard up.
  I go to Rickys floor and just give the desk worker a nod. She should know who I am as I visited before. I walk past her and knock on Ricky's room.
  "I-..come in?" He says confused. I walk in with a grin. "Hey What are you doing here?"
"Checking in. Felt a bit awkward when Nini came in."
"Yeah I know what you mean. You alright?"
"I'm fine. Just got some stuff from work that messed with my head."
"Oh shit..about work.. and what not. Nini knows that we've been working on"
"You told her?"
"Come on, she has the right to know. It's her case." He sighs. "God once I find out who did that to her, he is not going to be happy."
"Mm. I bet."
I sit down on the chair.
"Y'know, Lachlan. I never asked why your doing all of this for me and Nini. Honestly, you hardly know us."
"Just an officer doing his job. Nini's different and she didn't..deserve what she got. So I'm going to help as much as I can."
"Wish I could find more people like you. Seriously, you've been such a great help."
"It's no problem at all, but I have a request for you."
"I-..yeah. Sure, anything."
"Fight for your child. Skye May seem tough about adoption...but you can get through her."
My words clearly got to him. If he wasn't stressed out before, he is now.
"I don't even know what to do. I really don't want to talk to her."
"She's carrying your child, and your just gonna let her give it away?"
"I'm 19 Lachlan. I'm not ready for a child and clearly...Skye isn't either. Maybe..I think it is best for adoption."
"Come on, you don't really think that do you?" He pauses to think.
"Yes. I do. I'm in college..I can't. I won't. My girlfriend doesn't even know..and I can easily just make this go away if I don't do anything about it."
I try my best to not scoff. I think I know the type of guy he is.
"The ruthless. You really want to do that to your child?"
"You think I don't know that? Look, I'm trying to give myself a life here. I'm just trying to manage and a child..just isn't going to workout for me. You understand, don't you?"
"There are..different perspectives Richard. You won't understand why I do somethings and I won't understand why you do somethings. But I get it. You aren't mature enough for a child." I stand up.
"What? I didn't say that."
"You didn't?"
"Then why aren't you fighting for your child. Since your mature enough."
"I told you my reasons. I'm mature, but I have a life y'know."
"If your mature enough, you can find a way to deal with it. Don't just push your child away."
"This isn't your fight Lachlan."
"That's because you didn't make it one."

Gosh, this book is going to finish soon and I just can't wait to release the sequel. I really want to thank you guys for getting this book out there. I wouldn't have continued writing without you guys. Thank you so much!❤️
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