Chapter 27

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  "What are you doing?" I ask as the girl rushes past me. "Your still in a police station."
   "Do you really think I don't know that?" She starts to grab her stuff off of the couch.
   "Where do you think your going? I still have my shift."
   "What time is it?"
   "What time is it?"
   I check my watch.
    "Fuck. I'm late."
    "Late for what?"
    "Look. Uhm. Thank you and all but I have to go. I can meet you back here or something but I have stuff to do." She explains, starting to walk out.
    "You literally just passed out and found out that your friend is accused of sexual assault. How do you just go back to doing stuff."
    She's halfway out the door.
  "My shift ends at 11!" I shout, making sure she heard me.
  "Got it!"
  I sigh as I turn back around. I sit back down on my chair and begin doing paper work. I'm going to regret taking her in.

  "I am so sorry!" I shout as I barge into the drama room. "Uhm. Something happened and it just sort of went..haywire."
   Everyone just gives me a look.
  "Honey your fine.." Ms. Jenn says, eyes widen. "Just come over and help Willow.."
Okay maybe I over reacted just a little bit..
I walk over to the group and just chill out for a bit. Gina gives me a weird look.
"Nini.." she pulls me aside. "You realize your like..on school property right?"
I'm confused.
"Yes...yes I do?"
"Where's your shirt?"
I look down and realize I'm still in my tank top.
"Fuck.." I say quietly.
"Okay. Uhm. It's a long story but do you just...happen to have an extra shirt on you?"
"Uh..." she waves her hands. "I think I have one in my car?"
"I-...can you get it for me?"
She nods and is out the door in seconds. I probably should've realized that I walked out without a shirt in freezing cold weather but I guess I don't realize a lot of things. I walk by to Willow.
"Uhm. Okay. So uh..let's start with Breaking Free. It's one of the biggest parts of the show...well..besides stick to the status quo but here, it's just you and Troy."
Her eyes flash with worry.
"You know this is my first play right?"
I nod.
"And that..I don't really know how to do this...showmance ..thing.."
"Trust me. It's not that big and Ms. Jenn clearly saw chemistry with you and Hunter."
It was clear she was extremely worried.
"Uhm. Here, look." I take out my phone and show her some pictures of me and Ricky at the end of the play. " was awkward.."
"You didn't age one bit....."
"But we got through it and it was fun. It was great. And you and hunter get to recreate it!"
Gina taps my shoulder.
"I'll be right back."

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you this.." I say as the two officers stare me down. "I didn't touch anyone! I don't even know who reported me and who I allegedly harmed!"
  "Calm down. Did you or did you not sexually assault someone!"
   "I didn't lay a hand on anyone." My voice was calm but aggressive. "I don't even know how you have evidence against me!"
  "You know what the evidence is! After all, you took it!"
  "What the fuck did I take!?" I question loudly, slamming my handcuffed wrists on the table. "Tell me!"
  They don't respond, but I immediately realize something.
  "Lawyer." I say.
  "I'm not talking without my lawyer. I know that much."
  One of them sighs before turning his head to the other.
  "Take him out." He stands up. "Handcuff him back to the chair and let's wait."
  "Wait for what?" The other asks, following him.
  "For his god damn lawyer to show up."

They sit me down at the same spot and just give me a look before leaving me be. I slouch down on the chair and breathe of out my mouth for a long time. I merely drift off to sleep, but footsteps approaching me cause me to look up. It was the guy Nini was with.
  "Great.." I begin,"Another officer to fuck me up"
  "Not what we're here for and I believe you." He says, kneeling beside me
"What is there to believe?"
"That you didn't touch anyone, and I'f you want others to do the same, we have to find a way."
  "You actually believe me?" I ask with genuine concern. "Uh uh. Why would you just randomly believe me? Your a police officer, you probably have the same mind as anyone else here."
  "Okay, if you want others to believe you, maybe don't start off acting like an asshole." I roll my eyes as he adjusts himself on the ground. "Look. I don't know much about you two, but I only need to know one thing."
"Have you and Nini dated before?"
The question causes me to scoff with laughter.
"If you want to hit on my friend, go ahead, but do that on your own time. And I don't necessarily think she's up for dating right now....especially someone who looks like he's 27."
"What? No! Well she's cute but still. Just answer the damn question. Have you and Nini dated before?!"
"Why do you need to know?"
"Just answer the question!"
"Yes! We have. But like a couple years ago!"
"Shit.." he looks at his surroundings. "Still gives you a motive.."
"A motive?! A motive for what?"
"Who ended the relationship?"
"Who ended the relationship!?"

  I look at the figure in front of me. Studying and pretending everything's normal. I take a deep breath before going into the Tim Horton's line that stayed right next to her table.
"I'll just have a triple triple with a Boston creme donut please." I say calmly to the cashier.
I pay and wait on my phone but in the corner of my eye, I could tell she was looking at me. She looked at me for maybe 10 seconds before returning her gaze onto her book. When I got my stuff, she hid herself with her hoodie, causing me to go mental. I reluctantly sit across from her. She raises her head.
"C-can I help you?" She asks.
"Uhm..well I-" I pause. "I'm sorry. If I hurt you or-"
"Obviously you hurt me. You don't just g-"
"Yeah I know. And I'm just apologizing now for it because I don't think I'll have a chance again."
"What? What ar-"
I get up and l leave before either of us could say another word.


"Well. Uhm. The first time, she broke up with me a-"
"Wait a minute," he says, "you two dated twice?"
"Yeah... and the second time...I did it."
"Uh...okay. Why did you guys break up?....twice.."
"Well..I-. We were in high school at the time and it was summer and I just wanted to take a break for a month or 2. Just a break, but I guess Nini took that as a cue to go and find someone else. So then when I went back, she was..already..with..someone else.." I explain.
"Okay..and the other time?"
"Uhm. I had..made..absolutely no contact with her for 2 weeks..and when I came back, we were in a play together and I sort of just showed up and..broke up? With her?"
He gives me a weird look before getting up and going back some where. He soon returned with something in his hand.
"I don't know how..close? You two are today, but let's hope your mature because I know for a fact that you won't like seeing this. I didn't."
"I'm not a child. What is it?"
He shows me the photo and I'm speechless
It was her. Bruised..half naked..and sleeping, but her eyes swollen.
"Nini..." a tear streams down my face.

This book is...focused on topics that do happen and I probably should've down this earlier but this is definitely a book for 14+. I did like hearing your theories and I can't wait to hear more as I wrote the next few chapters!😁❤️

No shoutouts! No one saved this in the time span of the last chapter and this one.

Enjoy your day or night!

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