Chapter 26

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I thank Big Red and brace myself as I walk back to the Air BnB. I don't really know what to expect at this point. An apology? Another mood? Or another questioning? I couldn't care less.
I arrive at the god forsaken place and take a deep breath as I place the key slowly into the door.
"Ma'am?" A voice says, startling me. I turn around. "Uh you can't be here."
It was a police officer, except, he looked around my age. He was..shaky?
"What are you talking about? I-...this is my...the Air BnB I'm staying at sir." I reply, taking the key out of the door.
"You..." he smiles. "You don't have to call me that. But, this place. A sex offender was here and he was just arrested."
A sex offender? Here? The only people staying here is me and Ricky and Ricky could never. Especially sexually...right? My eyes widen.
"Uh s-...I mean," I read his gold plated name tag that is on his right shoulder. " Woodson. Do you know his name?"
"Richard Bowen ma'am. Do you know him?"
"Yeah..I do..." I nod my head in worry. "And I think I might have a problem. D-do you know? Who he..." I didn't want to say it because he couldn't have. "He..sexually assaulted?"
"Wow you have...quite..the questions." He says, pulling a notepad out of his pocket. "They don't know who he assaulted, but I can give a description on who reported him.."
I nod.
"Uh..let's see. Male, around his twenties, black hair, green...ish eyes. Ring a bell?"
I don't respond, but just look at the brunette in hope. In hope that he's lying.
"Ma'am? Hello?"
Before I know it, I'm in his arms, blacked out.

I blink my eyes open and lay still for a while before lifting up my head very slightly, causing me to groan.
"Oh your up..." I hear a familiar voice say. I turn my head to see the same officer, sitting on a chair, with his vest and top uniform off. Leaving only a tight white t-shirt on his upper body. "You probably shouldn't do that.."
"Wh-..where the hell am I?" I ask, looking around the white painted room.
"Well. We were going to take you to a hospital, but from the way you fainted, it was clear you wanted to see the guy."
"See what guy?"
"The sex offender?"
Oh shit.
"Can him that? Please?" I ask as I sit up. I was laying on a couch in the middle of the police station.
"Well...what did you want me to call him?" It was difficult to hear him since the sound of the phone ringing covered the room. He adjusts on his seat and puts down the book he had in his hand onto the desk beside him.
"Hmm..I don't know..maybe his name?"
"Alright. Fine. Richard-"
"Uhm. Ricky. I thought that you fainted because of Ricky." He pauses and makes a face as if he's thinking. "Are you two together?"
"Uh no. No, we are not together."
"Oh. Good. The way you were talking about him seemed as if you were just dying for him." He chuckles. "Don't want you dating a sex offender."
"He's not a sex offender!" I shout, catching more than unwanted attention. He raises a brow. "Sorry.."
"It's fine," he shakes his head and grins, "you feeling better now or?.."
"I'm fine," I scoff sarcastically . "Thanks a bundle."
I start to get up but almost immediately, I fall right back down on the couch.
"I was going to tell you not to get up, but I kinda wanted to see it play out." He laughs, causing me to recollect myself and roll my eyes.
"Your a cop." I say.
"Yup. I am."
"Shouldn't you be out?"
"Out where?"
"Patrolling? Or whatever you do? And not sitting and being mean to a citizen."
"I'm not being mean and I'm not always out. There's paper work to be done and we all know that your not suppose to get up after merely falling into a bush."
"Whatever. Can I just. Can I see Ricky?" I ask.
"Oh. Your mean the guy that's across the room?" He replies, causing me to get up. "Also, on your ID, it says you were born and raised in Salt Lake City and I'm just wondering why your.."
I begin walking towards the ruffled, curled head I see sitting down in hand cuffs, looking miserable.
"Oh..and we're going over here now okay..." the officer says as he trails behind me. "Y'know. You probably shouldn't just get up and walk around with just a tank top on.."
With his words, I look down to see only my black tank top on and my jeans that I had worn before.
"Where's my shirt?!" I whisper shout as I turn around back to him. "You took off my shirt!? The fuck!?"
"What no?!"
"Are you sure? Because I don't see it ON me!"
"You were over heating so I-"
"So you took off my shirt?"
"No. Listen. I called my female colleague and she took off your shirt. I wouldn't lay a hand on a female when she's out cold." He responds.
"Okay. But how about when she's perfectly fine?" I say, trying to push his buttons. He doesn't respond but gives me an annoyed look. "Exactly."
I take no care with my missing shirt and I make my way to Ricky, who was half awake.
"Hey.." I say quietly, as I kneel down in front of him. He's hand cuffed to a chair. "You alright?"
He lifts his head and his brown eyes settle o mine once again.
"Nini.." he smiles. "I..I didn't do anything. I swear. I don't know why I'm here or who did this to me but I can't go to jail.."
"I know. I know. And we are going to get you out. I promise." I say, putting my hand on his.
"Did I hurt you?.." he asks quietly.
"Me? You'd never. I know that. The main focus right now is to get you out of here."
He lifts his head up and puts his gaze on someone else. I turn my head and realize the officer is still standing behind me.
"Don't worry about him. He's just one of the cops that don't know what their doing."
"I'm right here y'know.." the officer says, peering down on me.
"Yeah. I know." I return my gaze to Ricky. "I don't know how we're going to get you out of here.."
He was about to respond but another officer, maybe in his 30's, walks up and uncuffs the handcuff that was stuck onto the chair.
"What are you doing? Officer.." I ask, getting up.
"Taking him in for questioning.." he gives me a look as if I was a child. "Who are you?"
"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that the charge is wrong. He would never do that!"
"Alright princess, can you just back up?" He gets up and pulls Ricky along with him.
"Stop! He's Innocent!" I shout. He continues to pull him along.
"Are you deaf man! Did you not hear me? He is innocent!"
"He wouldn't hurt a fly! Why would he assault someone!?"
"God everyone's stupid here!"
The officer behind me pulls me back.
"Don't touch me!" I turn around. "He. is. Innocent."
"You don't have the evidence to say anyhow." He says, tired.
"And a random guy who walks in does?"
"He..he has photos Nini.."
"How do you know my name!?"
"Uhm. Ricky Bowen here just said it out loud and.." he pulls out my wallet from his back pocket. "Your ID gave it away as well."
I groan and take the wallet out of his hands.
"What photos are you talking about?" I question. "No photo could say I just sexually assaulted someone"
"They were photos of the girl. I don't know how he got them but it was the girl. Bruised and just..messed up. They have evidence against him and you don't have a say in this okay?!" He calms himself. "Look. I can drive you back to your place a-"
"What place?! I'm not allowed go in it!"
"Then I can get you a hotel? I don't know but you can't just roam around yelling that someone's innocent."
God I'm fucked.
"I don't have money on me.." I say.
"You literally have a wallet in your hands right now."
"You checked it yourself! I don't bring money with me!"
"The hell? Then what's the wallet for?"
"You found out my identity, didn't you?"
He sighs.
"You can stay at my place tonight or something."
"I am not going to stay at someone's place that I do not know the name of."
"Lachlan. There. You know my name. I'm not going to let you be out there in the streets alone."
"Why? A lot of people are forced to do it."
"Don't be a brat right now. You need a place and I-"
"I can provide for myself thank you very much."
"Jesus Christ woman, it's an offer that your going to regret not taking."
I'm so fucked right now..
He gives me a look.
"Fine. But I have shit to do and I am about to be really fucked up tonight.."
"I'll leave you be."

New character? Yup😂 this is just to make up for not posting yesterday. Hope you enjoyed❤️😁

Shoutout to:
For saving my story into their libraries!

I hope your enjoy your day or night!

Word count : 1623

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