Chapter 1

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Nini. *Flash Back*
Claps echo the room as me and Ricky hesitantly kiss for an uncomfortable amount of time. In my peripheral vision, I can see big red waiting for his cue to close the curtains, but as the cue was set, he purposely waits for a couple of seconds before closing the curtains.
Waiting for the curtains to finally close, I force myself to uncomfortably close my eyes as if I was enjoying the kiss, but the only thing I can be possibly thinking about is how Ricky wasn't there when I was in the hospital in agonizing pain.
Immediately after the curtain closes, I push myself away from the so called kiss. Rickys eyes open quickly in shock on how fast I pulled away. Claps soon echo backstage.
"Amazing job you guys!" Ms Jen says as she walks onto stage, "wasn't that just the greatest experience?"
Shouts of "YES" "WHOO," and "LETS GO!" surround the room as I gaze into Rickys still shocked eyes. Staring into them, I manage to ignore the claps, shouts, and Kourtney, who has been tapping on my shoulder for far too long.
"NINI!" Her voice hits me like a bus, and I'm soon back to the reality of which is...well this.
"Hm?" I hum, turning around.
"Damn girl, are you in shock? We just finished the musical!" She shouts in excitement.
I force myself to smile before turning back to see Ricky walking into the dressing room.
"I'll be right back." I say, not facing Kourtney, "I'll uh..I'll be back in a second."
   Finally meeting Rickys gaze in the dressing room, questions fill my head.
   "Where?" I say hopelessly.
    "W-What?" He responds, putting down his phone.
     "Where..were you?" I repeat in the same manor.
      "Nini I-"
       "Where were you when I was in the hospital?!" I raise my voice, causing everyone to allow their gaze on us.
       "Nini I was..b-busy." He replies reluctantly.
       "So busy to the point where you couldn't even stop by? I had one of the biggest seizures I've ever had. Hell, even Gina was there!" My eyes could do nothing but water and look hopeless. "Then even after 5 days alone in the hospital, I return to school and not even see you until today! T-that was 2 weeks ago! Where could you have possibly been to miss that much school?"
    Speechless, Ricky looks at me like a deer in headlights.
     "I- I was...I couldn't.." he responds.
      "Y..y-you couldn't?!" Tears were streaming down my face at this point. "What could you not do?!"
      "How do you think I could possibly go see the girl I LOVE laying hopelessly on the hospital bed?!" He shouts, getting more attention. In the corner of my eye I spot EJ and Gina staring at us along with many others.
    The words cause me to laugh.
    "Are you FUCKING me right now Ricky?! That's your excuse?"I shout, pacing before coming back to him.
   "I-it's not an excuse!" He says, walking towards me, "I can't stand to see you pain, and seeing you right now makes me want to run and n-not come back!"
   "Bull shit. 2 weeks? Ignoring my phone calls? Text messages? Even me going to your GOD DAMN house? Then you have the audacity to return here tonight." I want nothing more than to slap or hug the living daylights out of him right now.
    "So you're telling me that if I was in the hospital in critical condition, that you'd come and see me?!" He shouts, brows furrowed.
   "YES! That would be the first thing to come in mind because I love you!" My pacing soon stops and halts dead in front of Ricky, but much to close for comfort.
   "Fine," his voice calmer, but face still angry, "we clearly cope with..things differently. I guess maybe it wasn't meant to be after all." He takes off his suit jacket before grabbing his skateboard, phone, and helmet. Pushing his way through the crowd, he stops in front of EJ.
     "If your going to, fight for her. I fought for the wrong girl, but you still have a chance." I hear him say before he returns a glance at me, "I'm sure she'll be worth it." He pats his shoulder before leaving.
      Still in tears, I raise my hands in frustration before grabbing my phone and heading further back stage in silence. Finding quiet was more difficult than I imagined, but I soon found a corner that fit me all to well. I sobbed for 45 minutes until Kourtney found me.

   "Nini, honey. Wake up." My moms voice wakes me up from what ever distraught I just happened to be in while sleeping.
    "Oh.. alright." I say in a raspy voice. Finally at the airport, I take out my luggage out of the trunk and make my way into the airport.
After going through the process and millions of metal detectors, I find myself at the gate, waving goodbye to my parents till Christmas break.

I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of this Fanfiction of HSMTMTS. I will make sure to let you guys know my posting schedules. Please tap the star and comment on how what you think about this so far.

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