Chapter 18

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"Can I help you?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'm sorry for barging in on you so late like this," the guys says,
"EJ sent me here and I'm looking for a girl named Nini."
  I raise my eyebrows before stepping out of the house and closing the door behind me.
  "Okay.." I say confused, "let me get this right. EJ, sent you to this house, to talk to Nini?"
  "Uh yeah. It was only to send a message or something." He responds.
  "What's your name?"
  "Axel. Axel O'Neil."
It felt like a name I've heard before.
"How come I haven't seen you here before?" I ask, leaning on the back of the door.
"Oh. I'm not from here. I go to Tampa University. I'm Ej's cousin." He responds.
Shit. EJ probably found out I've been lying.
"Uhm. Nini's actually asleep right now. Can I take the message?"
He gives me a wary look before nodding.
"Uhm. He said: I'm really sorry. Meet me at East High's parking lot at 8...45 A.M tomorrow morning." He gave me a weird look. "Don't know man. Sounds like he's going for your girl."
  I force a laugh in response of his ridiculous comment.
  "I- we aren't a couple. But why so early? Do you know?" I ask.
  "Me? No. EJ's a silent guy. I wish you the best though." He responds, backing up. "It was cool to meet you. Good night."
  With that, he slowly disappears from view, allowing me to return back inside. Not knowing wether or not to wake Nini up, I grab a piece of paper and write down the information before leaving it in Nini's room, in hopes she'll wake up in time.

  I wake up out of no where around 10 in the morning. I had over slept. I didn't care as much as I thought I would, so I had gotten up very slowly and without much care. I get myself ready into a hoodie and jeans for once and head out and into Nini's room, who was still sleeping. I had supposed that she overslept through the note, but who am I to kid? I didn't want her going. She wasn't going to wake up from whatever hazardous position she decided to sleep in that night to read a note out of all things. I'm sure she won't care.
  I don't wake her up, instead, I head to the kitchen before realizing that we haven't gone shopping yet for any food, causing me to sigh and grab the keys laid on the kitchen table.

  "We're probably going to need bread I'm sure.." I tell myself as I grab a loaf of bread.
I have already placed eggs, bacon, soy sauce, and butter into the basket that was resting on my arm, but I knew that probably wasn't going to be enough. I travel round the store with ease, making sure I'm purchasing what I know Nini would like or need, causing my basket to be hung down with barbecue chips, Gatorade, and Dots.
  "Okay...uhm. Actual stuff this time." I tell myself once again.
  I immediately go to the fridges, but not before running into my ex red headed friend
  "Hey..." I say quietly as I approach him.
"Oh. Hey man. How have you been?" He asks, placing a carton of milk in his basket.
"Great. Just been shopping as you can tell.." I reply awkwardly. "How about you?"
I shuffle around him before grabbing a carton of milk myself. I couldn't leave without saying something else though.
"Hey. I know this has been...quite some time and a bit awkward but I'm sorry. I probably should've told you something's before I left and it was bad that I did that to you." I apologize softly.
He gives me a weird look before laughing out of no where.
"Ricky! Dude. It's fine. It could've been worse y'know?"
I force a laugh in response. I didn't expect him to be so calm about it.
"Yeah your right. I just wanted to apologize." I turn back before coming to a realization.
"How have you and Ashlyn been?" I ask.
"Great. She's really a wonder isn't she?" He responds joyfully with hearing the name. "I noticed you and Nini found each other again. How about you 2?"
I awkwardly laugh.
"Us? We probably aren't going to happen again anytime soon. It's clear I'm not the guy for her. I've broken her heart more times that I can count."
Saying that revealed to me that that was the solid truth. The solid, painful truth.
"You two are cool though right?" He asks as a last resort.
"Yeah. We're cool..." I respond. "Look I gotta go.."
"Oh yeah. Cool. It was cool seeing you again."
"You too!" I say, walking away.
  I didn't expect that to come out it..

  I enter the house without much reluctance, carrying the 3 brown bags with much struggle.
  "Hmp.." I hear someone hum out of no where, causing me to drop a bag.
   "FUCK!" I whisper shout in shock.
   "Jesus Ricky. So that's where you've been this entire morning?!" Nini shouts, getting up from the couch to help me. "You really could've left me a message or something."
   "When did we get to the point where I have to tell you these things?" I ask warily.
   "When we ended up moving into a whole ass house together for a week." She responds annoyed.
   We finish picking everything up before placing the bags onto the kitchen table.
  "Fine. I should've told you. Now can we make breakfast?" I complain as I begin taking everything out.
  "Yeah. Whatever. What did you get?"
"Uhm, eggs..milk...bacon...bread... soy sauce..a lot of things for the most part." I reply.
"Soy sauce?" She asks
"You just wait." I say laughing.

This chapters kind of bad but it's okay!
Chapter 18. Enjoy!

Shoutout to:
For Saving My Story into their Libraries!

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