Chapter 42

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Finally having the guts to leave the bathroom, I push the door and make my way to the table. Surprisingly, they were still there.
"Hey guys.." I say as I walk up to the table.
   "Where have you been? I-I've been worried." Nini says, shuffling in her seat.
   "Bathroom. I just uh..." I play with the palm of my hand, "didn't feel too well."
  I sit down and force a smile to Labyrinth. He does the same. That wasn't his name but I just go along with it.
  "So. How have you guys been?" I ask, taking a part of Nini's croissant.
  "Fine. Just waiting for you." Labyrinth says blandly. He gives me a smirk and low eyes.
  "Oh," I check my watch, "well we gotta head to East High soon. So it was great meeting you Labyrinth."
  I stand up and reluctantly hold out a hand for him to shake. He stands up and takes my hand, holding it tightly, causing me to wince but immediately, I hide my pain.
  Everyone stands up and leaves the booth. As we head for the exit, Nini gives me a concerned look, I return the look.
  "Uhm. Nini I'll meet you at the car. Can I talk to you? Labyrinth?" I push the door open.
  Nini nods and EJ casually leaves but not before giving Labyrinth a bro hug. As the two leave us alone, I pull him aside.
  "Not gonna get off my ass anytime soon huh Kant?" I ask, fist balled up.
  "Well Ricky. I would've been done with you way earlier if I wanted to. But I wanted to make it fun."
   "I-is Skye here?"
  "Funny. You're worried about her all of a sudden. Seems as if you moved on."
  "The fuck is wrong with you? I didn't want to move on but you clearly didn't agree with that. You have no business with being mad at me anymore. You lied about your name and got what out of it?"
  "Trust. Ricky. I got your girlfriends trust, and EJ's." He raises a brow. "Right about her. I'm not here to hurt you. Skye doesn't necessarily want that. But that little button over there," he looks at my truck, Nini casually waiting for it to be unlocked, "she'll be fun."
  "Are you done? What the actual fuck do you want with me?" I take out my keys and unlock the truck. "Don't touch her."
  I begin to walk away. I'm not about to hit anyone. Not today.
  "See here Ricky. I've done my research. I know where your mom is. Your dad. Your friends live. I know where you and Nini live. That's a cute little hotel you have. Oh right." His voice lowers. "I know where her moms are too."
  I stop and quickly take a breath before continuing on to my truck. He doesn't know that me and Nini moved to EJ's place and that's all I need to be safe right now.
  I get into the truck and quickly lock the doors.
  "That's Kant." I say immediately. "His name is Kant Woodson. You know him. He's the guy I was talking about and He knows everything. He knows where my family is and he knows where our friends are. And I know why your mom is in the hospital."
  She gives me a look before calmly resting her demeanor. I scoot back in my seat.
   "You al-"

   I'm continuing the case. I couldn't care less. You can't just give me an important case with the most innocent girl as the victim then tell me to lay off. Plus, the girl is something else. She deserves justice. Even if she doesn't want to admit it.
I unlock the door and open it. It's lunch break and I don't necessarily feel like driving to get food again so I just drive home and take the break there. I drop my keys into the counter and open the fridge.
"Long time no see." The voice causes me to turn around, but my heart slows down at the sight of the girl.
"Warning?" I ask, grabbing a water bottle. "What are you doing here?"
"Damn. No hi? Hm. Sucks to suck."
"Funny. Gonna answer the question?"
"Just here to visit my brother. Is that a bad thing?" She walks towards me with a grin.
"Well normally it isn't but it shouldn't be like this. Normal you'd knock on the door when I'm home and I would answer an-"
"Rhetorical Lachlan. Rhetorical."
I give a little chuckle.
"The others here or is just you? Cause I'd much rather just have you here than you and them." I say.
"Sorry to disappoint but yeah, their here as well. We just came here to..visit you. Ever since we left, it's just so...quiet. I miss my big bro."
"Right. I didn't come with you for a reason. Our step mom isn't necessarily the best person to be with." I sit down, and she joins me.
  "She's a sweetheart to me. I don't know what you did to her but...I know. I've seen her with you."
  "Dad moved on way to quickly. I don't even know why you all came. Dad hasn't sent me a letter, gift, post card, or anything for the longest time. I don't want to see him."
  "I get it. I do, but it's just perspectives. Now," she stands up and opens her arms. "Are you not gonna give me a hug."
I stand up and hug her.
  "I've missed you Skye."

Obviously one of the more important chapters😂

So I do imagines the side character as actual people. I'll list them, but if you don't necessarily see that in the character, just imagine them the way you want to.

Lachlan: Steven R. McQueen (Jeremy Gilbert from Vampire Diaries)
Skye: Maia Mitchell (Callie from the Fosters)
Kant/Labyrinth: Dean Geyer (Brody from Glee)
Kants Dad: Daniel Gillies (Elijah Mikealson from the Originals)
Kants Mom: Phoebe Tonkin (Hayley Marshall from the Originals)

If you don't know these people, I suggest you look them up, but of course if you don't like them, imagine them as you'd like!

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