Chapter 50

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I sit up and immediately run a hand down my face. The sun was almost digging into me, wanting attention. I undo my tie that was killing me. It had no business being that tight.

I look around, only to see I was in my truck. My head was in pain and I didn't remember one thing from yesterday. I look at my watch and read that it was merely 11. I open my truck door and force myself out, using one arm to try and cover my eyes from the sun.

It took me a long time to realize that I was at EJ's place. I slowly walk to the front door and feel around my pocket, trying to find the keys that he lent me, but it was no where. I stumble as I knock on the door.

"Ello!?" I shout, trying to get my head straight. "Anyone?!"
I lean on the door, rubbing my temple as if it would get rid of my headache, but it doesn't do a thing. I bang on the door once more. The unlocking of the top lock catches me attention. I straighten myself up and off the door. Nini opens the door and scoffs. She leaves the door open and walks away.

"What was I-?"
"Pack your stuff Ricky." She says, cutting me off. "We're leaving tomorrow."
I trip trying to get in but eventually I make it. I run the back of my neck.
"What are you talking about? Aren't we staying for the performance?"
"What? If I'm right, I told you that we were leaving yesterday, right? Oh wait, you were too fucking drunk to remember."

I scratch my head and furrow my brows.
"Nini, I'm serious. We're staying a-"
"I'm serious too. We aren't staying because it almost seems like you can't control yourself when it comes to alcohol. It's just better if we go back and pretend this stuff never happened."

She was cleaning up the kitchen, leading me to wonder why? Why was she so mad? Why wasn't EJ here? And..why is she cleaning the kitchen?

"Okay Nini. I- um. I don't know what your furious about but I." I pause. "I don't know, but I think I need to lay down." I feel the room spinning.

"Yeah go do that."

I begin walking towards the room, continuing to rub my neck. I tried to process everything but it just went in one ear and out the other. It was..almost pointless. I don't know why she's mad, why I'm sort of messed up, and why I was sleeping in my truck.

That's when it hit me. Where did I go last night? To dinner. That's it.

I open the door and sit down on the bed. It felt like my shirt was suffocating me, causing me to unbutton it. I throw my tie to the side along with my shirt and lay down, trying to breathe normally. My heart was pounding and I was at a point where I didn't even know why. Maybe it was Nini being mad at me or me not knowing shit, but whatever it was, it didn't help.

I close my eyes and breathe out my mouth. It didn't help but it was better than breathing through my nose. I lay one hand on my chest, the beating of my heart moving it up and down.
I didn't feel safe.

"I still don't get it Skye," I begin, eating my pancake. "You actually don't care?"

She didn't want to give me anymore information after last night, but I'm going to find a way.

"No. I don't. I never wanted this baby Lach."

"Okay but what if Ricky does? You could just give him custody and you wouldn't have to deal with it."

She stops eating, looking like she's thinking about it. I ease back, hoping she'll consider it.

"He won't do good alone," she says, "it'll have a better life in the adoption system than him alone."

There are so many moments where I just think Skye is a plain psychopath, and at this point, I believe it.

"Really Skye? Come on, you aren't thinking through this."

"I've thought through everything. Just accept my decision. Please?"

"I can't accept it if the father doesn't. That has to be common sense in your head right?"

"You don't know Ricky like I do. He..won't function with the baby. He'll leave when things get hard and not understand when it's easy. Trust me, it's for the best." She stands up and puts her dish in the sink.

"How did mom and dad react to the news?"

"They..I guess..didn't care. They just supported the fact that I'm going to put it up for adoption."

"I just don't want to believe it." I put my dishes in the sink. She had started washing them. "You. My 19 year old little sister is..pregnant."

"Hard to believe myself. I just want this over with, trust me."

I nod and put on my coat.

"Work time. See you around." I open the door and shut it behind me.

I look at my phone. It was 2:35 and Ricky hasn't left the room. I was eager to go take his truck, but it was best to go together.

I take off my phone case and take out his fake ID. I exam it before dropping my hand.

It said his name was Wilson Langford and he was 27. It looks so authentic. I don't know where he could've gotten this from but I was sick of it. I was sick of him ruining a good day with his..problems. It could be good for a little while but then..he would just ruin it with some new type of bullshit I never knew about.

I put the ID back behind my phone and put the case on. I reluctantly walk to the room. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to talk about the fact that he brought up a time no one knew about. Something that just..stuck and haunted me.

I push the door open and see Ricky, shirtless sleeping on the bed. His shirt was in the floor. I pick it up and put it on the bed.

Sighing, I go to the figure and shake him.

"Ricky. Wake up." I say sternly. I shake him again, but still I had gotten no response. "Dude, hello?" I flip him, letting him rest on his back. I tap him again. "Ricky, seriously. Stop playing games, get up."

I continue to shake him. Worry slowly builds up but I try to push it away. He was fine. I know he was.

"Richard Bowen..get up." I sit on the bed. I debate if I should slap him or not, but my mind makes itself up and within seconds, my hand crosses his face.

My heart starts racing as he didn't open his eyes. "Ricky? Hey." I grab his wrist and feel his pulse. The faint beats cause me to worry. "Ricky? Hey! Wake up!" I shake him as hard as I can.

My breathe is shaky as I dial 911. I pace as they pick up.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Help. Please. My f-friend isn't waking up. He has a pulse but nothing is waking him up."

I look at the figure, lying hopelessly on the bed. I push back my tears and listen to the lady.

"He's not waking up?"

"No. No he isn't."

"Okay. Where are you located?"

"72615 Link Street."

There's shuffling in the back.

"Alright. I want you to remain calm, the ambulance is on it's way. Is there anyone else in the house?"

"No. It's just me and him."

"Did he consume anything before hand? Any allergies?"

I look at him. A tear rolls down my face as I cover my mouth, trying to hide my sob. If I said something, he could go to jail, if I didn't, he could die.


I contemplate. It's obvious which choice I should pick but the thought of him behind bars hit me. The thought of him 6 feet under the ground all because I couldn't fess up to his doings is worse. It was a low chance, but it was there.

"Yes. He has consumed something."

Right now, it's an interesting ride isn't it? Anyways, how are you guys going? Do you guys like Skye? Like Lachlan? Like Kant? What's your thought on Ricky being a potential father?
Vote and Comment!
Enjoy Your Day or Night!

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