Chapter 7

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As fucking embarrassing as that was, it could've been worse. Not once have I thought that one day, my mom would see me half naked in front of my ex. I guess that was an experience wasn't it?
Stuffing the rest of the donut into my mouth, I throw the remaining mess away before washing my hands. It wasn't until 5 minutes later that I learn that I don't have class till 11:30 today, causing me to grab my skateboard before closing the dorm room.
    Walking out, I decided it was best to go the opposite way Nini would and take the stairs..just in case.

"I'm sure she'll be worth it," I say to EJ, patting his shoulder. I push the door open before breaking out and screaming off the top of my lungs.
"Fuck..fuck...fuck...FUCK!" I shout, grabbing my head like a maniac. Kicking...punching...yelling...anything I decided to do did nothing but give me bloody knuckles and no voice. I couldn't think correctly, as if my thoughts were non existent.
Grabbing my skateboard, I don't even know what to do with it except unleash what ever anger I stupidly have in me. Snapping the board, a loud metal clang of the the door opening startled me but soon, my anger rose as big red starts walking towards me.
    "What. In. GODS NATION. Are.You. DOING?" Big red shouts as he looks at me with half a skateboard in each hand. "You aren't just going to WORK your ass off for some girl then blow her off for 2 weeks before returning and acting like a pure DIP SHIT!"
    "Don't tell me what I already know Red!" I shout, dropping the 2 pieces. "If YOU were in my position you would've done the EXACT same thing!"
    "That's not how someone acts! No one fucking does that and I can assure you. Not even your dad would do that! The best you can honestly and possibly do right now is go BACK inside and find her."
   "Are you seriously going to bring my dad into this?'! Do you have no such respect?!"
   "Funny for you to say after you just DISSED the girl of your dreams. Your worst than your dad and I can already tell. I'm your best friend and I know for a fact that you'll struggle with any relationship just like your dad!"
"Why are you bringing my dad into this?!"
"Because I'm comparing you to him! Literally his whole life you told me he struggled. Your 16 and you are fucking it up already!" He states, walking closer to me. "It so clear that you need someone to tell you what your doing wrong, and your dad isn't going to be on-"
   "AT LEAST I HAVE A DAD!" I shout, pushing him. Almost immediately, I long to take back the words. "Okay look," I say in a calmer voice. "I didn't mean that. I-I'll go back inside and find her. Just forg-"
   "Do whatever Ricky." He cuts in, walking away.
   "Dude C'mon! You know I didn't mean it!"
Still walking away, I sigh angrily before bracing myself.
   "Fine.." I say quietly, opening the auditorium door once again.
Walking in, everyone had still remained where they were from before.
"Excuse me....excuse me..." I say quietly, pushing through everyone.
Finally at the center of everyone, I look around.
"Where is she?" I ask, forcing my hands to the side. No one gives me a response except a frozen glare. "Well!?"
My frustration had taken over and I could tell I was scaring people. The looks they gave me were looks I've never seen before, as if I was going back to harm her more.
"Well..?" I say calmer, in hope for an answer. "Did anyone at least see where she went?"
Still dead silent, I sigh.
"Fine. I'll leave."

Checking my watch, I continue to skate around campus before getting a phone call. Taking my phone out, I never thought I'd see this number again, but it seemed as if it would change when I picked up.
"EJ. How are you?" I say, holding the phone up to my ear.
"Long time," he replies, "and I'm good. How are you?"
"Fine. What's up. It's been pfft...I don't know...3 years or so?" I say awkwardly.
"So well. East High is...having its 2nd production of the original High School Musical and well, Ms Jen wanted the original crew to be there and help them. Just wanted you to know. You could fly back from where ever you are and just, check it out?"
"I could see. When does the production start?" I ask, still heavily breathing, pushing off my left foot.
"The new cast starts rehearsing in like 2 weeks so I'm sure you have time to figure it out." He responds.
"Oh. Yeah, I'll let you know. I still have some classes but I'm sure I can make arrangements."
"College? Where do you go?"
Not knowing what to say, I respond with:
"Tampa University. Yeah. It's a...great college."
"Tampa?" He sounds shocked. "You uh went pretty far there. I thought you'd go to some school in Chicago."
News spreader fast I'm guessing.
"Yeah. Look, I gotta go, I'll definitely get you an answer." I say quickly.
"Yeah, no. Just call me and I'll tell Ms Jen. Have a great day. Nice talking to you again Ricky"
"You too. Bye." I hang up and struggle to put my phone in my pocket, causing me to trip on and fall but of course, not without taking someone with me. The cement struck me like a bus along with the other person I decided to take down.
   "Holy cow. I am s-so sorry." I say, forcing my self up. "Here let me help y-.....Gina?!"

   Hopes you guys enjoyed.
Shout out to
For saving my stories into their Libraries

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