Chapter 12

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Skateboarding in sweats isn't a good idea in California and it's the fact that I'm halfway across campus that makes me regret it more.
  As I continue to use my left leg to force my way through the concrete sidewalk, I soon come to the realization that maybe I have a chance. The slightest chance that maybe, just maybe, I could see Nini the way I did before. Nini could see me the way just like she did before, that we could be the it couple who fought for each other...just like in high school.
   My thoughts take over, causing me to zone out. I quickly regain focus before I managed to trip once again. I arrive at the bland Tim Hortons and order my usual before skating back in an easier manor since I had less bags.

"What?!" My mom shouts, pacing across the room. "Hold on, let me get this straight. You want to move with me to Chicago WITH my new boyfriend because you can't stand to be around Nini anymore?"
"I um..." I begin quietly, "Yeah sounds about right."
"Honey this is a situation you can't undo. Your father..." she sighs, "your father is hardly managing to get up on his feet without Jennifer. I think he is going to need you."
"I'm not going to stand around, watching my dad make out with my music teacher mom!" I yell, standing up from the couch.I calm myself. "Yes, it's's a long shot but it's a shot I'm willing to take."
"Your going to regret this Ricky. I'm willing to take you along with me but the won't be easy. And how are you going to see your father?"
"There's something known as a cell phone? Mom don't ask me these questions otherwise I'm going to change my mind and that's the LAST thing I want to do right now."
"What's going on?" My dad says, coming in unannounced.
"Ricky is planning to g-"
"I'm moving to Chicago with mom," I say, interrupting her. "And there's...theres nothing you can do about it so don't try to stop me."
I got no reply. Instead, I receive blank stares from both of my parents. My dads demeanor changes quickly soon after.
"!" My dad says in anger. "You think that you can just leave your old man, stuck in t-"
"This piece of shit?" His father continues, ignoring his ex wife. "Listen little boy, you aren't going to go. Like it or not."
"You don't own me Dad!" I shout.
"Hear that? Dad. I helped make you for gods sakes! Don't fucking raise your voice at me."
"I think it's fair that I get to decide who I stay with since you guys are GIVING UP ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP."
Anger rose in me, and stayed there. Instead of settling down, it grew each second I decided to look at him.
"I'm moving with Mom," I say calmly before he could leave the room, "and I don't know what Mom ever saw in you or Ms. Jen. Hell I should probably give her a warning about what she's ab-"
A second. Not even. The pressure of my fathers hand feels like a hammer against a nail. I stumble onto the couch as my fave throbs.
"MICHEAL! DONT FUCKING TOUCH HIM!" I hear my mom shout as my head buries into the couch in pain.
"SHUT UP!," my dad replies, "Little boy don't even know what he be talking about."
"Actually.." I say weakly, standing up in pain with tears forming under my eyes. "I do know what I'm talking about. I'm moving to Chicago with mom and you can slap me 10 times over but that won't stop me."
He gives me a blank face.
"So I don't care. Take out your anger on your son and realize how fucked up you are in the brain." My face was throbbing.
"It's clear...." he begins, heading for the door. "That my family don't need me anymore. You can go off and go into your own little fairytale, but don't come back to me ever again..." before he close the door I hear him mutter something, but I take no care.
"Honey are you alright?" My mom asks as she comes up to me with watery eyes. "He is l-"
"Did he do this to you to?" I ask weakly.
"What are y-"
"Did dad HURT you mom?!"
From the look she gave me, I knew that she has gotten hit from him...and that Ms. Jenn would be next.
   "We need to leave...NOW.." I say, rubbing my face.
   "My flight isn't till su-"
   "Then change it!...Mom! Change it." She didn't budge, causing anger to build up in me.
"Mom if we stay here any longer, another face is about to get hit, and at this point...I don't know who's."
My mom stood there blandly before sighing and running up the stairs.

I sit in my classroom, legs crossed, mind off the wrong thing.
It's weird...seeing everyone again. Funny part was wasn't everyone. It would be everyone if I went back to East high and saw everyone again. The funnier part is that I want to but I...I really just can't.
"SO Nini. It seems like I'm not entertaining enough, am I?" Ms Wood begins, staring at me along with everyone else.
"I-" I couldn't say a word. In response I could do nothing but grab my back pack and leave before it could possibly get any worse.

Leaving the classroom, I couldn't think of anything except East High and everyone there. I can never ever seem to forget the things I need to most.

"Ricky?!" I yell, opening the dorm room. "I can not go back into Ms Woods class every again." I lock the door and begin taking off my sweater I stupidly decided to wear.
"Really? How come?" His voice was faint and it sounded like he was grunting.
"Well.." I say quietly, walking forward trying to find him." I decided to zone out and well I-"
Ricky had appeared in view, his head was the only thing visible. He was behind the bed, his head kept going up and down. It wasn't until I walked a bit closer had I realized that he was doing push-ups.
"What are you doing?" I ask, placing my backpack on the ground.
"I wanted to work out but I didn't want to go to our gym." He stands up, revealing he was in nothing but sweatpants. His body was more defined..muscular...the type that you'd see in movies.
I turn my head away and stop my thoughts in hope he didn't notice my eyes wandering.
"It's not like I'm naked Nini," he says laughing.
"Yeah but I'd rather not see my...roommate I'f you don't mind...please put on a shirt.." he gives me a joyful look. "Please..."
   "Fine. Damn. Didn't know you were allergic to people with their shirts off," he teases, grabbing his muscle shirt.

I ended it with a fake laugh. Ricky had tried saying something till I cut him off.

  "I'm going to go with you to Salt Lake.." I say, forcing a smile. He returns one with ease, causing me to stare at his dimples and bright smile.

Sorry, I got a little back tracked😂
Shout out to:
For saving my story into their Libraries

In chapter 13, there will be a HUGE time skip. I'm talking about when Ricky and Nini start packing up for the trip to East High. This is a fair warning. Also, the two will be a LOT closer and I'll definitely make sure to give you information on what has happened in the past.

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