Chapter 10

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    I close the dorm door and drop my keys on the mini table before heading over towards Ricky, who is once again, still on the ground.
    "Ricky," I say, taking the clothes out of the plastic bag.
    "Put these on when you have the chance." I plop down the grey clothes on top of the bed. "Warning, I don't know if they'll fit."
   "I also got you Benadryl. Do you want to take that now?"
"Yeah..." he says, turning himself over.
Walking over, I didn't expect him to look any more worse than he could possibly could, but he managed to change my mind with his face being very red.
  "Ricky..." I say quietly, kneeling next to him. "I think you should see the doctor. That is not normal."
   "No," he says, taking the medicine out of my hands, "I'll be fine. I'll probably pop up by tomorrow."
  He opens the bottle before taking a gulp in guess.
   "That's to-" I stop myself as he closes the cap. He puts down the bottle and rests his head on his pillow. "Do you want water?"
   In response, he shakes his head and closes his eyes, causing me to take the medicine off the ground and get up. I put it in the mini fridge and take my keys before leaving the dorm room once again.

  "Kourtney I'm...I'm fine." I say, taking a bite out of my apple.
  "Nini, when I found you, your mascara was basically dripping onto the ground. You aren't fine and it's perfectly okay to admit it." She responds, giving me a look.
  "It's fine. Ricky could walk through that door and I'd be fine."
  The door opening made my heart drop, but it slowly began to raise when I saw EJ's face appear.
   "Hey guys." He says, sitting next to us. "Is there a reason why you guys are in here alone..eating"
  "Nini and I got a pass after she fainted midway through Ms. Rowl's class." Kourtney says before I could have a say.
    "Anyhow...why are you in here?" I ask, still eating my apple.
    He takes a note out of his pocket and shows us. It was also a pass.
   "And? What's the reason?" Kourtney asks, taking a fry off of my tray.
   "I um. I was pretty focused on Basketball season to the point where I didn't eat...because know...dieting and I've been here everyday since. It was a miracle that I even lasted through the play."
  "Oh. Well are you going to get food or just talk to us the whole time?" I ask.
  "Very funny. Yeah, hold on." He gets up and heads to the line.
  "So...are you sure that your fine?" Kourtney asks once again.
  "Yes! I am. I'm great"
The regret of my words begin to set in as the door opens once again, except it was the actual problem.
  Ricky begins walking normally but soon slows down as he makes contact with me, causing him to run into EJ inevitably.
   "Hey!" EJ shouts, before realizing it was Ricky.
   "Sorry I-" EJ pulls him in by his shirt, leaving Ricky basically hanging off the top of his sneakers.
"You just gonna come in here and act normal?"
   Rickys face wasn't readable. He was just staring into EJ's eyes. It wasn't until a couple of seconds later does Ricky push him off and continues to walk into line.
  EJ arrives back at our table and sits down.
    "Douche." He says quietly.
"Real mature EJ." I say, getting up and throwing my tray away. "Could've easily ignored him."
"Are you so okay with him treated you like that? He didn't even visit you."
"Does it matter? We are over for all I know, let alone care." I take my backpack and strap it around my shoulder. "Anyways, I'm going. Coming Kourt?"
   "I'll catch up with in a bit. I'm just going to talk to EJ for a bit." She responds confusing me. I let it go and begin leaving the cafeteria,  but not before getting one last glance at Ricky, who was walking back with his tray of his food."


I decide to head to the gym because as stressed as I am right now, I really need to just chill out for a bit. When I arrived, I hesitated. I didn't want to go into a gym that's filled with men, and some women. The scarier thought, is that there are like 60 guys in there but, I enter.

I'm not tired. My eyes eyes just need to be closed and my body just isn't going to move much anytime soon. I'm basically just in a sleep paralysis except with real life and no monsters. It took a while for me to fall asleep.

"Your just gonna come in here and act normal?" EJ says, pulling me by the collar. I couldn't say anything, in-fact , I had nothing to say that would make me sound less of an asshole. I could simply...stand there.
As close as I was to punching him, I don't, but release myself from his grip and continue on into the lunch line.
I hadn't seen Nini in 2 days. As she stated...I didn't see her for 2 weeks but those 2 days, felt like years. I don't know if I could ever recover from a mistake like that, especially with Nini.
"Thank you." I say quietly as I walk out of line.
There was no way I was going to sit by Kourtney and EJ so I begin walking to a different table farther from them, but on my way, I allowed myself to take one more glance at Nini, causing me to go mental inside and curse myself out.
I sit at the table and set my tray down harshly before resting my head on my hand. I take the orange off the tray and begin peeling it. It wasn't halfway through when Kourtney randomly sat across from me.
"Look. If your here to yell at me, go ahead. I don't have much to lose," I say before she can blast me with whatever comments are in her head.
    "As much as I want and am willing to do that...I'm not going to. I just..I want to know." She replies with a conceiting look on her face.
   "Know what?"
   "Know why you weren't there."
  "I told you before...or everyone. I can't see her in pain." I answer.
  "She's in pain right now. Your surviving. You aren't running off wherever you went before. So tell me, where were you?"
   Damn it.
"I-...." her face pushes me. "I was at the hospital. Just..not in the same room as her."
"I've been diagnosed with..many..many things but those 2 weeks were something else."
" were in just as much pain as Nini.." she says quietly, answering her own question.
"I've Uh. Those last 2 weeks were me getting constantly tested and what not..but I've been cleared....but just at the wrong time."
  I place the peeled orange back on the tray without even taking a bite.
  "Don't." I say all of a sudden.
"Don't what?"
"Don't tell Nini. I just can't having her fe-"
"What?! You have a solid reason Ricky! You can get back with Nini." She shouts.
"She doesn't know that I've been diagnosed with..the things I'd rather not say and she...she is probably going to be happier without me." I respond.
  "You always ruin your chance huh?"
   "Maybe so.."

Chapter 10. Thank you so much for 2K reads!
Shoutout to:
For saving my story into their Libraries!

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