Chapter 52

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Hero's POV -

I haven't heard from Jo since she replied to my text, it was the next morning before I got it though due to the time difference. I keep rereading her words, they calm me. Knowing she was just as excited about seeing me as I am her. I tried to get some sleep while I wait but my body had other idea's, I lay staring at the ceiling with thoughts filling my mind so I got up and opted for a shower. I've attempted to unpack, well I took out my toothbrush, a shirt and some trainers. The rest is still sat in the case on the couch. I hate packing but more than that I hate unpacking. I will quite happily grab my shit as I go. Jo will freak out and unpack it. I know her well enough by now to be accustomed to her neat freak ways. They are what makes her her I guess her apparent need for order and tidyness. I keep checking my phone, not long now. I bet Anna has met her and they are on the way. My body is shaky, my palms are sweaty. I don't know how we managed the past 2 months if I'm honest, not having any physical contact has been one of the toughest experiences in my life. I mean before Jo I would go months without hooking up. I was to busy for that but after Jo, I crave her touch in a daily basis. I decide to grab a beer and sit outside for a smoke. This will pass some time.

Jo's POV -

As I enter the room looking for Hero, I see where he has been because he leaves a trail of mess wherever he goes. The scene in front of me instantly lightens my mood but annoys me at his lazy housekeeping abilities. His case still not unpacked, a wet towel hanging over a chair, one trainer by the foot of the bed and the other by the dresser plus the quilt is all ruffled where he has been on the bed. Yep, it's the right room I chuckle as I put my case beside his. The room is big but you can see each area from here. I don't see Hero though. Just as I turn the patio door opens and there he is, my heart pounds through my chest, it's pounding so hard it might crack some ribs during the attack.

He walks in unaware of my prescense but when he turns his eyes lock on mine and he greets me with the biggest smile I have ever seen him with. As he darts across the room, tripping over the trainer he left laying around he picks me up and swings me around whilst smashing his lips against mine. All of my insecurities and worries ooze from me and are replaced by hunger for my guy. We kiss so hard my lips are painful but we don't stop, not even to catch a breathe. This is better than any movie reunion that's certain. Hero throws us onto the bed and by throw I mean literally, I can't help but erode into laughter at the sheer force of his action. As I look over his face taking in every details he tells me how he missed me and that I am not getting away again. His words feel like velvet, I can't stop staring at his lips as he speaks. I dont hear his words now, I just see those beautiful lips moving. I want them to stop, I want them to kiss every part of my body to make up for lost time. Hero must be able to read my thoughts because as soon as it is in my mind he begins to kiss his way down my neck, behind my ear and continues down my body slowly removing my clothing as he descends. I got so worked up about seeing him with negative thoughts and worries I forgot how this magnetic pull between us leaves room for nothing other than each other.

Hero's POV -

I make my way back inside, feeling calmer after my beer and smoke. As I latch the door shut and turn I see her, standing in the middle of the room with those beautiful blue eyes. My body reacts simultaneously I dart over to grab her, my cock hardens and I feel my heart beating faster than ever. Damn it, fucking trainer I think as I nearly fall into her but quickly recover and hold me girl in my arms. It feels like a fucking Disney movie, swinging her round and taking in her womanly features. I don't know why but I jump with Jo in my arms and luckily we land on the bed. I can't stop, she hasn't stopped me so I decide I can't wait any longer. I need and want her right now, no delays. I whisper how much I have missed her and that no way is she getting away again, she doesn't reply but releases a sound that let's me know she took in my words. As I kiss every spot on her body, lapping up tasting my girl again after being starved. I make my way down her stomach to the top of her thighs kissing and nipping as I peel down her tight trousers, fuck these trousers are hot!

I drink her in, every drop of my girl is better than the last. Her hands are pulling at my hair, her breathes are heavy and sensual. Fuck, I'm about to lose it before I even get started. I part her legs and pull her to the edge of the bed standing between her thighs as I enter her. Fuck! She feels like a glove, a glove made to fit me perfectly. As I enter her gasp makes me harder, my length throbbing as I move in and out of her. Her eyes are locked on mine as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. I need to touch her, i want my hands to explore every inch of her body. I do just that and watch as she relishes in my every touch I make.

'Baby, I can't last. I am going to....' I hiss through gritted teeth as the pressure builds in my stomach and spine. She nods and I feel her tighten around me, that's it. I'm done for, I wanted longer but I just couldn't hold on to it anymore. I collapse onto her in pure bliss at the relief of our love making. I didn't even build up a sweat because I wasn't able to last long enough but from the smile across her lips I managed to please us both. I grin up at her and she kisses my forehead, a loving gesture and as it happens I know this is going to be a good trip.

Herophine A tale of two Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя