Story 3, Chapter 25: Graduation

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Percy's POV:

I watched as my Wise Girl stepped onto the stage, smiling brightly.

"Hello. My name is Annabeth Chase. I have been going to this school for a long time, pursuing my passion for architecture. I came from San Francisco, running away when I was seven because my parents didn't want me. I ended up at a summer camp for ADHD and dyslexic kids. I've been living there for five years, sword fighting and learning how to slit peoples' throats if they dare harm a hair on my head. After five years... I found Percy. Percy was unlike anyone I've met before. He was kind and caring. From the moment Clarisse tried to put his head in the toilet--" Clarisse bowed her head in shame, her face turning red, "I knew there was something special about him. We found out who his father was and I felt like exploding. His father was my mother's arch-nemesis from the beginning of time. Though, there was something that made me know that I would have strong feelings for him. The moment we went on our first adventure, I knew there was something I felt inside of me. I truly cared for him. We were best friends for four years until we admitted our feelings on his birthday. The other campers dunked us in the lake, where we had our first underwater kiss. That was how Percy came in my life."

I felt the tears coming. I ran up to her and kissed her cheek. It was time for my speech.

"Hello. I have gone to this school under the name of Peter Johnson. Funny. The camp director kept calling me that and I never knew if it was on purpose or real. My real name is Percy Jackson. Yes. The Olympic swimmer. I knew that if I revealed my identity, fans would be swarming me. So, I hid it up to this day. Annabeth and I have done many hard things." I felt my eyes turn dark.

"War," I whispered.

The audience gasped, looking at me in shock.

"War had killed campers and friends. We had grown closer than before. There was a war. We are forbidden to tell any mortal about it. We are bound by ancient laws to never speak a word of it. We had to slaughter the many beasts that came to attack us. Blood was littering the floor. I had to lead two wars. It was hard. My first war was when I was twelve. Annabeth had helped heal me when I had a... concussion. I had to go and fight beasts with a sword. The final battle took place when I was sixteen. We almost died. Many were killed and sights were all destroyed. We couldn't do anything but fight for our lives. Through this struggle, I finally found many close friends. We still mourn and cry for the loss of our loved ones, but in life, you have to move on, whether you like it or not. Today is my friend's birthday. He is a friend I lost in the war. He died bombing a ship. His name was Charles Beckendorf. I felt guilty, but my girlfriend helped me see that it wasn't my fault. I still remember the time I was missing for two weeks after the explosion on Mount Helens. I was there. I was blown several hundred feet in the air, before I fell into the ocean, washing up on the shore of a remote island. I eventually came back to camp to see my shroud being burned. When my girlfriend saw me, she looked so mad, yet happy. It was quite amusing. That's when I learned that I really loved her."

The Stolls were grinning evilly. Hm, that's not good... They pulled out a disc. Oh, no they weren't!

"We are Travis and Connor Stoll, brothers of mischief..."

They slid the CD in before I got the chance to scream. There was a clip of cameras. It showed me an Annabeth on the beach, watching the sunset. There were words. Then it showed us kissing. Then it showed Clarisse and the Stolls throwing us in the lake. Then it showed us not coming to the surface. Then Connor plunged a camera in the water, letting them see us kissing each other in a bubble. I squeezed my eyes shut, glaring at the Stolls. The audience was laughing. I couldn't take it anymore. I used my water powers to control their bodies and make them shut it off. They looked at me.

"Aw! No fair, Perce! You can't control us with your water p--"

"What are you talking about?" *cough*"mortals"*cough*.

Their eyes widened in realization and they sheepishly said their 'sorry's and ran off. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity and I saw Annabeth facepalm. When graduation was over, I ran off into the limo and hung my head, pinching my eyebrows.

"Why?" I got out.

The Stolls lowered their eyes.


"You're terrible..." Annabeth muttered, hugging my arm.

"I know, we just--"

"You were trying to?"

"Fine, we were trying to embarrass you."


I sighed and put my head in my hands. The campers at Camp Half-Blood smiled and cheered as we reached the camp. I smiled and waved, letting Annabeth onto my back, kissing my neck. I knew we were all going to have a good life. I could just feel it.

Percy Jackson, Life In Goode HighWhere stories live. Discover now