Story 1, Chapter 16: College

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Percy's POV:

Times were tough at my university. My best friend had gotten into a car accident and he died. Andy will never be able to see the football games he had wanted to see. He'll never graduate. He'll never join the Red Sox. He'll never have kids with his fiancé. He'll never get to grow old. He died a painful death. I wiped away a tear that trickled down my cheek.

My other friends were looking at me with sympathetic glances, and telling me that it would be okay. I paid attention to the ceremony. 

"Dear students, we are here to honor Mr. Fox's death. As you may or may not know, he was in a car crash and he had final words before he died. His final words were that he loved his friends, and wanted to say goodbye. His first goodbye was to his fiancé, Carrie. It says, Dear Carrie, I know that I'll never walk the aisle with you, never see your face in our children, never see the gray streaks in your hair as we grow old, but you will always be my love. I hope you continue to stay happy. The next one is for Mr. Jackson. Dear, Percy. I miss you dearly. You have offered me so much as a friend. Your compassion has been the best I've seen, and I'm glad I became your best friend. Please, never forget me. You have been a great part of my life, and you will always be my sea. I am happy in the heavens, watching you always. Dear Red Sox people. I'm so sad I will never get to strike a home run, but I will always admire you. To all, please don't forget me, and those who have suffered from my death. I hope that you all will care just the slightest bit. Love, Damien Fox."

That's when I lost it. I let the tears fall down my face and I got up and ran to the bathroom to freshen up. I smashed my head against the wall. The walls shook with the impact and I fell to the floor, gritting my teeth.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Jacksons don't cry.

I gathered enough courage to walk out of the stall when the stars weren't clouding my vision anymore. I got a call from Micheal.

"Hey, Micheal."

"Hey, Perce. I'm sorry about your friend. I'll spend some time with you, I promise. Congratulations in beating me in the Olympics. I promise you, I'm not mad, I'm proud. I'll see you soon."

"Okay, see you at seven?"

"At seven."



I hung up and walked to my car. I drove to my mansion and walked into the building.

"Mr. Jackson, do you need anything?"

I looked up to see my maid, Carly.

"Carly, you are my friend, you don't need to call me Mr. Jackson. Just call me Percy."

"Percy, do you need anything?"

"No, I don't. I need you staff members to relax and enjoy the day. A lot has happened."

All of them cheered and began whispering about how great I am. I am not great. I'm just the fastest swimmer in the world and the person who broke the record of gold medals in the Olympics. Not a big deal. I sat down and looked at the pictures on my phone. I would not forget Damien, but it was time to move on. I owed him just that.

Thalia's POV:

I sat with Annabeth, talking about how school was going. I got a phone call from Connor, and I picked it up.

"Hey, Connor!"

", I have bad news."

"What bad news?"

"I won't be graduating in the same year as you. I'll be one year later."

"What? Why?"

"I've decided to go up for another year of school to help my comedian career. Travis is doing it too. Katie is also doing it because she wants to be an environmental specialist. I'm not sure about Annabeth, but Percy is graduating early. Seems like he's too smart for the teachers to catch up with and he's too fast for the coaches to beat."

Percy Jackson, Life In Goode HighWhere stories live. Discover now