Story 2, Chapter 12: Love Triumphs

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Annabeth's POV:

I looked to see the disapproving face of Aphrodite.

"Annabeth, shame on you! Do you not know love when you see it? How are you so blind to true love? Your mother is the goddess of wisdom, but I see no trace of wisdom in you, considering you just let the best man if your life go! I am disappointed."

Aphrodite disappeared before I could say more and I felt the tears trickling down my face. I wiped them away and hopped into the water, hoping it would give me some time to contemplate the situation at hand. I smiled as I dove into the clear water. As I resurfaced, I saw very angry blue electric eyes and black hair.

"What did you do to him?!" She hissed.


"What did you do to Percy?!" She raised her voice.

"Nothing, I--"

"What do you mean, nothing?! He's not talking. He's not eating. He's sitting in his study, working his butt off, doing extra problems that he doesn't need to do, staring at the ceiling, not coming to dinner, what did you do?!" Thalia snarled.

"I... I doubted his love for me. I told him that I didn't know if he truly loved me or not and that I wasn't sure about our relationship."

Anger turned to shock, then disbelief.

"You out of all people?! YOU TOLD HIM THAT?!" Thalia shrieked.

"I'm sorry, I--"

"I thought I knew you, Annabeth! I thought I knew you would be wise enough to see true love, but you aren't. I can't be friends with someone I don't know." Thalia's voice was barely above a whisper as she marched away.

Next was Jason.

"Annabeth, what did you do to our fish boy?"


"told him that she wasn't sure that he loved her and that she wasn't sure about the relationship." Thalia interrupted me.


"Yeah, I--"

"Annabeth, how could you? He fell into Tartarus for you! How could you leave him like that?!"

"I'm sorry, I just--"

"You just what? You just aren't wise enough to see true love in front of your face?" Piper snarled from behind Jason.

Poseidon, Athena, and Zeus flashed in.

"Annabeth, darling. As much as I don't like Perseus, I cannot deny that he is a good man. He fell into the deepest pit of hell for you. I trusted you to be wise enough..."

"You broke my son's heart. I will never forgive you." Poseidon snarled.

"I do not approve of this decision, although, I must--"


We all turned to see Percy walking down the halls.

"I must give Perseus his wish right now."

"What was your wish, dude?"

"For you to become gods like him."

"Really?!" Leo jumped up and down.

"I tried my best to make it the same, but you all have to be minor gods and a little less worshipped than Percy to keep the power balance scale intact. You will be immortal nonetheless."

"Jason Grace, minor god of thunder."

"Thalia Grace, minor goddess of lightning."

"Piper Mclean, minor goddess of makeup."

"Connor and Travis Stoll, minor gods of pranks."

"Hazel Leveque, minor goddess of jewels."

"Frank Zhang, minor goddess of shapeshifting."

"Katie Gardner, minor goddess of flowers."

"Chris Rodriquez, minor god of calmness."

"Clarisse La Rue, minor goddess of war."

"Grover Underwood, already Lord of the Wild."

"Rachel Dare, minor goddess of prophecies."

"Leo Valdez, minor god of fire."

"Calypso, minor goddess of sacrifice."

"Will Solace, minor god of healing."

"Nico Di Angelo, minor god of darkness."

"You will all be given immortality. Lay down so you don't break anything."

They all laid down and the beams of golden light were shot into them, and they were out cold. I looked at Percy, who was already walking back to his room. I saw them all waking up and I followed Percy to the study. He looked depressed. His eyes were empty and full of despair and his mouth was in a flat line, devoid of any emotion.

"Hey," I whispered softly.

"What?" he croaked.

"I'm sorry about what I said. I really do care about you. I just don't want to lose you to some slut who can't dress appropriately."

The twinkle in his eyes seemed to return.

"Well, Wise Girl, how do I know you're telling the truth?" he asked, a smirk on his face.

"This," I said, pushing my lips to his.

It was a soft and gentle kiss that got deeper and deeper until we broke away, gasping for air.

"You're forgiven, Wise Girl."

There was a flash of pink light and I heard a squeal. Aphrodite.

"EEEEE! PERCABETH FOREVER!" she squealed. I rolled my eyes and continued to kiss Percy until Thalia came in, calling us to dinner.

We all sat at the table. Percy and I were staring at each other until I smashed my lips to his. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Piper sapping up and kissing Jason. I saw Hazel grab Frank's face and kiss it sweetly. Leo was in tears and kissing Calypso like there was no end. Katie and Travis were holding hands, kissing lightly. Rachel was smiling happily and Grover was clapping. Nico and Will looked at each other and they met in a loving embrace, kissing the slightest bit. Clarisse couldn't take it any longer. She ran up to Chris and tackled him to the floor, kissing him. Chris was shocked but then melted into the romantic gesture. Thalia and Connor were left. Thalia was blushing and Connor was pink. 

They walked closer until Thalia mumbled, "I love you, Connor Stoll."

"I love you, too, Thalia."

They were close now.

"I have loved you for a long time, but I was scared of rejection, so I joined the hunters, but now I pray to Artemis that she'll let this one slip," Thalia whispered.

"I pray to Aphrodite that I am gonna kiss the right girl." Connor breathed before they were kissing. Everyone in the room felt the love in the air. The plates on the table were as cold as ice, but the warm love in their hearts made everything seem...nice.


OKAY! Sorry if this is so lovey-dovey... I am REALLY into romance. It is a bit cheesy at the end, I know. I'm sorry... I hope you still like this chapter!


Lisa or YasQueennnnnnnnn

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