Story 1, Chapter 2: Surprise!

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Annabeth took a deep breath and packed her bags. She pulled out a cup of yogurt from the mini fridge and ate it as her friends all walked to Goode High. They hid behind the dumpsters and watched. They saw a sea-green sports car pull up and a mob of students appeared. They were holding... 'I LOVE PERCY JACKSON' and 'GO OUT WITH ME?' signs.

Annabeth's jaw dropped. Percy stepped out of the car, looking annoyed at the crowd. He still put on a smile and walked toward the lockers. The mob followed him and asked him questions while giving him chocolates, gift cards, coupons, you name it. Percy just smiled and said thank you the whole time.

New kids stared at the boy.

"Who is that?" A new kid whispered to another person.

"Percy Jackson. He's the most popular boy, not to mention the HOTTEST boy to walk the halls of Goode. Our vote was official. He's captain of the swim team, and his eyes are so dreamy. You can stare into them for eternity!" a girl gushed.

Annabeth looked at the girl with a sudden protecting attitude and Thalia held her back, not wanting to give away their cover. Percy slammed his new locker shut and walked away. The principal whistled as she showed them the lockers.

"Most kids I see all kill for these lockers."

"Why?" Annabeth asked.

"Apparently, it's next to Percy Jackson's locker, the hottie of the school, and they all want to get with him. He turns them down, luckily, saying he has a girlfriend, but no one believes him but me. I know he tells the truth. He is my favorite student, a good heart. Any girl is lucky to have him as their man. He's a keeper."

"Wow. Thank you, Ms..."

"Mrs. Mason. I am your principal, good meeting you. Head off to advisory now, you're all in room AB18."

The students walked into the advisory and saw Percy, trying to read a book. His eyes were focused, and his eyebrows were scrunched up in concentration. Annabeth couldn't help but giggle. He looked so sweet and cute when he was focused. Annabeth stayed hidden and snickered. He wouldn't know what hit him. The teacher didn't look at them as he announced today's schedule. Everyone piled out of the room. Suddenly, a girl with curly red hair came up to Annabeth and shook her hand.

"Hi! My name is Julia. I am one of the tour people. I will show you all to Chemistry. After Chemistry we have break. Make sure to follow your schedule and map!"

As the group walked into chemistry, they received stares and they hurried to sit down. They looked like models, no doubt. They sat down and watched as the hours ticked by. Paul came in the room about forty minutes before break and asked if we could be dismissed for this class, as they had something to do.

"Where is Percy's table?" Annabeth asked.

"Right here." Paul showed them a table in the corner.

Annabeth got out the wrapping paper and adorned the table with a sheet. Perfect for hiding under. They got out the gifts and put them in boxes along with candies and balloons. They laughed as they hid under the table, waiting for a reaction. Annabeth watched from the recording camera as Percy and his friends all walked up to the table. His face was frozen in shock as he stared at everything. 

"Did you guys do this?" He asked his friends.

"No, we were in class with you, remember?"

"Yeah... who would do this?"

"SURPRISE!" They all yelled while bursting out from under the tablecloth.

Percy fell over in shock, his mouth open and his eyes confused.

"What, not happy to see me?" Annabeth snickered.

All eyes were on them. Percy got up and walked over, stunned.

"What? Too speechless, Kelp Head?" Thalia 

"When did you... How did you... Why... How--"

"Kelp Head, when will you learn? We care about you, so we're surprising you!"


"OPEN THE PRESENTS!" Annabeth yelled.

He chuckled and opened hers first. His eyes brimmed with tears and he smiled at the memory. He put on the watch and ran his finger on the picture.

"It's beautiful." he whispered.

"Our first kiss." Annabeth mumbled.

Gasps rippled through the crowd. Annabeth leaned up and he leaned down and they met in a tender embrace. They kissed passionately and he stroked her beautiful princess curls and she traced his face. His friends were staring in shock, probably because no one knew that he was telling the truth.

Well, all went well until Hailey Struts came to ruin the day. When she saw the two kissing, she lit up with rage and ran to the girl. She tried to punch the blonde, but Percy's hand stopped her punch from getting to the girl. Hailey found a new rage and flung the girl. Percy ran and broke her fall.

"Ow! Annabeth! You're heavy!" He gave her a weak smile.

"Seaweed Brain! Why couldn't you just let me fall?"

"I love you too much to just let you fall."

"Are you hurt?"

"Nah, I'll be fine."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." 

They kissed again, receiving whoops and cheers from Annabeth's friends. Hailey marched up and pulled Annabeth off of Percy.

"Who. Are. You."

"Annabeth Chase, Percy's girlfriend."

"No. You are now single, he's mine."

"Uh, can you two break it up?" Percy looked at them in utter shock.

"Last time I checked, I was his girlfriend. It will stay that way!" Annabeth growled.

"Guys... You should really--"

"You'll regret this, blonde. You and I are not on good terms, and no one wants to be my enemy." Hailey snarled before turning on her heel and stalking off to the lockers."

Percy put his gifts in his locker and walked to his next class. Chemistry.

Annabeth sighed and walked with Thalia to Science.

Nico walked with Will to Art and the rest of Goode High was staring at the floor in shock.

Percy hadn't lied at all. The girls were all planning how to get Percy this time. Break them up, or let them stay, they all wanted Percy. 

Hailey growled as she slammed her pink locker shut.

Game on, Annabeth Chase.

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