Story 2, Chapter 10: Clear Eyes

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Camille's POV:

I sighed. I came back from cheerleading practice and sat down on the bench, changing. I heard that Fiona girl babbling on and on.

"..and he's in my History class in the same group. We're gonna have so much fun together!"

"Oh my gosh! The most popular boy, captain of the swim team dating the captain of the cheerleading squad, perfect couple to rule the school!" Another girl gushed.

"Yes! Even if that dumb blonde has him now, she won't last long. I doubt they've been dating for very long. Teenage love breaks up easily."

"You're forgetting one thing," I growled as I packed my bag.

"What, slut?"

"First of all, I'm not a slut, you are. Second of all, they actually love each other unlike you, power-seeking bitch. Also, Percy likes girls who are pure and sweet. He doesn't like girls like you who try to be sexy and beautiful every day."

"Oh, please. What do you know about how beautiful I am? I am the most beautiful girl in the school after I slap that blonde's ass out of this darn school."

"I know that you cake your face with at least four layers of foundation, making your skin orange and unnatural, you put on so much mascara, your eyelashes are all clumped and heavy, your lips are layered with so much lipgloss that if he were to kiss you, he'd pull away immediately, considering you have such a bad mouth," I snarled before walking away.

"No one can talk to me like that! I'm the queen bee, and you don't wanna be stung!"

"I don't care! The stings never hurt anyway."

"Really, then you don't mind if I do this!"

She pushed me into the pool. I felt myself frantically paddling around, hoping for a person to save me. I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me and I looked into sea-green eyes. 

"You're okay, now. It's okay." Percy whispered and he brought me out of the pool.

"I knew that girl was a bitch, but I never knew she was this cocky."

"I was not doing anything wrong!"

"I'm talking to Mrs. Martinez about this. She'll give Fiona the punishment she deserves."

Percy's POV:

I dried her off, altering the mist to say that I dried her with a towel, but she looked at me in utter shock. I pulled her off to the side. She might be a clearsighted mortal.

"What did you see, Camille?"

"I saw you touch me and I was dry." she stuttered.

" can see through the mist..."

"What mist?"

"There is a mist put over mortal eyes like you."

"What do you mean, mortal? There is no other creature alive in this world that isn't mortal!"


"What do you mean?"

"Okay, you have to swear not to tell anyone."


"You have to come with us home today. We'll explain at my house."


I drove her to the house and we walked in.

"Hey, Perce! What's the brunette doing here?" Annabeth asked.

"This is Camille, she's from my art class. She got pushed in the pool, and I dried her. I altered the mist, but she's not affected. She can see through it like my mother."

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