Story 3, Chapter 13: Kissing Booths and Mistakes

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Percy's POV:

I walked over to the place where all my medals and records were hung up. Annabeth and I sat down. I didn't know I was right behind the kissing booth. I saw a nerd up at the kissing booth and a really shy guy. The girls were all smiling and laughing. I kissed Annabeth and we walked together to the stage. Annabeth was on the sidelines and I came up to the podium to talk since I was the sporty guy.

"Hello, all. My name is Percy Jackson, the captain of the swim team. I got accepted into the Olympics, so I will be talking to you about my career right now."

All the girls swooned and looked over me. I gave them all a lopsided grin and I saw a girl faint. Oops. 

"The moment Micheal Phelps came to me in Starbucks, it changed my life forever. I was recruited and I have been happier than ever. I swam laps and I eventually beat Micheal's time. These actions are great and all, but I've never been a showoff. I've preferred to be interested in other peoples' things. I am more interested in how my team is, rather than how I am. I'd take the knife for someone if it causes me pain. As long as no one gets hurt, I am happy. I almost died by taking a knife before, but I never cared. Sally Jackson-Blofis, my mother, is the strongest woman I have known. My father was lost at sea when I was born, she had to raise me alone with an abusive husband, who would hit her. It was to keep me safe. That is for reasons I cannot tell you. I was on the wanted list when I was twelve for the wrong reason. We were attacked when I was twelve in the car when I was driving to camp. My mother told me to run. I didn't want to leave her and my friend behind. My friend was injured and my mother was pleading for me to run, but I grabbed my injured friend and she came with me as I ran. My mother got strangled by the man... I can't tell you what happened next, but she survived. I had to fight the man to keep him away from my injured friend. I was hurt severely, but I eventually defeated him before reaching camp, carrying my unconscious friend. That's when I blacked out."

They were all staring at me in shock.

"I grew up poor. We had barely enough for the rent to our apartment, much less go on vacation. I learned to work for everything I had. I bought a house to support my friends and I. You went there for the Halloween party. I worked hard. I am planning to be a marine biologist and an Olympic Swimmer. Micheal and I have been best bros since the day we met. He was always kind and supportive, never jealous, a great guy. I really hope you all can learn, especially you, rich kids, is that whatever you do, or whatever you want has to come with the hard work you put in."

They were all staring at this point. Applause broke out while Annabeth ran out to give me a kiss. I kissed back sweetly. We hugged tighter and this time, there were votes for homecoming queen and king. I sat back as we hugged. When the announcement was made, we gathered for the news. 

"Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson!"

Wait... we never applied for this...

I shrugged and walked up to receive our crowns. When we got off the stage, Piper was squealing.



"I signed you up. You're too cute to not go unnoticed."

I facepalmed and we went over to the refreshment stand. We sat down behind the kissing booth, where girls were lining up... to me... I saw the AHS school bus pull up and the new people came to celebrate homecoming. All of the girls lined up and began to close their eyes, puckering their lips, waiting for me to kiss them.

Henry's POV:

I was walking out of the school bus. I ran up to the kissing booth, the place I signed up for. I really need a girlfriend. I was going to get Annabeth Chase, but she left San Francisco. I saw a bunch of girls lining up to a handsome man. He had jet black hair, the most amazing sea-green eyes I've ever seen, and a tan that made him look like he lived on the beach. I couldn't get that with a spray tan at all.

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