Story 1, Chapter 5: Percy Works HARD

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Percy's POV:

I sat down and groaned after I finished with Sarah. I slumped down into a chair and I let a tear fall down my cheek. I picked up my phone and dialed my boss's number. My boss had taken a liking to me, and he saw how stressed I was, so he told me to take a day off. I wish I didn't. Then that boy wouldn't have a metal leg. I felt like collapsing. 


"Hi, Boss."

"Hey, Percy! How's it been?"

"I feel guilty."

"Guilty? Why?"

"I wasn't there to help that poor boy."

"Aw, Percy. It was my fault then. I told you to take the day off. Sharks come whenever you're not here. It's weird."

"Boss, don't get me wrong, but I can talk to sea creatures."


"I know you probably don't believe me."

"Percy, you always tell the truth. I believe you."

"About Kevin, what are you going to do with him?"

"Kevin... was flirting with some girls, and he didn't realize that the poor kid was screaming for help until he saw a fin. By the time he saw it, the other life guard was running and he pulled the kid up, who was bleeding out. Kevin stood there, frozen. He didn't do anything. Parents were complaining, and the only choice was to kick him out."

"Boss, Kevin may die on his own. He has a mom who has cancer, and he can't afford the medical bill. He can barely support his own rent. I've given all the money he will accept, but his mother is dying from an infection. He needs some money, but he refuses to let me help, since I've already given him thousands of dollars."

"Look, I'll try and support him with some money and help him pay the medical bill. You've got a big heart Percy."

"Boss, you're the best! I'll stay extra hours tomorrow, I promise."

"Kid, you don't have to--"

"Boss, I'm working extra, and don't you complain about it."

"Percy, you're so stubborn."

"I get that a lot."

"I'm doubling your work pay."

"What? I really can't accept that offer."

"Nope. You are getting double and that is FINAL."

"Okay, fine you win. What can I do about Kevin?"

"Tell him that I am sorry, and that I'll help him with his mom and shelter. I'm really sorry, but that woman threatened to sue us millions of dollars for that accident on her five year old. I can't risk that, because I don't own that much money."

"Of course, I understand. Thanks for trying." I said before hanging up.

I told Kevin and he said that it was okay, before I hung up and decided to go swimming. I was out there for about an hour before it was 9:00 PM. I groaned and ran inside to work on the homework. I had trouble reading, so I pulled out the glasses my boss had given me for reading. Apparently, it cost thousands, but he loves me like a son, so he didn't care. It is specially designed for dyslexic kids so they can read. It's literally the best invention in the world! Pretty soon, I finished all my homework and I closed my eyes and I leaned back on my chair, reflecting my day.

Annabeth's POV:

"Guys, let's go to the study. I haven't finished my homework and I want to check on Percy." I said as I made my way to the study. 

I walked into find Percy with closed eyes on the chair. He had his homework done, and I silently crept over to check it. It was literally all 100% correct. I searched everywhere for an answer key, but instead, I found glasses. I read the label.

Disslexia. Diss the damn disorder.

I was curious, so I put it on. I grabbed a book, and I was stunned. I could read! I took it off, and the words floated off the page. I put the glasses back on the desk and Percy's eyes opened. He didn't even realize I was there. He put the glasses on and got to even more work. This time, I saw him filling out forms of accepting job appliances and I found out that he was the manager of some beach. I saw him furiously typing on the keyboard and he sent dozens of emails. It was 11:00 PM and he still didn't notice us. Finally, he shut off his MacBook Air and stood up. He turned off his desk lamp and was about to walk out, when he saw all of us trying to read. He jumped in shock when we all looked at him.

"Hey guys."

"Percy, how did you read? You have dyslexia, but you managed to get them all right!"

"My boss gave me a gift. They were literally thousands of dollars, but he spoils me like I'm his son."

"Whoa." was my only response.

Percy looked so tired. 

"I think I'm going to continue working."

N.O. He was not going back to work. I right-hooked him and struck his temple. He collapsed and I smiled at his sleeping form.

"I'm sorry, but you look dead, so sleep is useful to you." I giggled.

All the other demigods chuckled and Clarisse picked Percy up. We all walked and Sally came running.

"Oh my gods, Percy! What happened?"

"He was going to go back to work, but then I made him pass out. He needs to sleep." I explained.

"Percy has interesting taste in women." Sally commented as Clarisse put him on his bed.

"Clarisse, why are you being nice to him when all this time you were trying to kill him?" I asked, causing a chorus of laughs.

"He's letting me stay in this nice house with my boyfriend, and he is my friend."

"Finally, you two can get along." I grumbled.

We all tiptoed out. I got one last look at Percy before I slipped into my room and fell asleep.

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