Story 2, Chapter 15: College Life

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Percy's POV:

I laughed with Thalia as she splashed pool water in my face. I picked her up on a wave and it carried her to the other side of the pool on a boogie board. I laughed. She looked ridiculous. She stood up and playfully whacked me on my head. I smiled and got out, willing myself dry. I put on a shirt unbuttoned and some khaki shorts. I slung my Olympic swim bag over my shoulder and Thalia got out of the pool.

"Good luck, Kelp Head. I'm rooting for you. Get it again like you did last year."

"Okay, okay, Pinecone Face."

I left as the white limo pulled up with Katie waving out the window. My bodyguards flanked me as I walked down into the limo. Micheal, Matthew, and Ryan were all beaming. You may think that they hate me because I'm beating them all, but they just see me as a brother and they're proud of me. Sweet, right? I laughed as we got out of the car.

"Look, good luck today, Perce! I know you'll win."

Micheal said as he kissed his wife. 

"Good luck, bro. I hope you have a good time," I said, shaking hands with him.

"Nicole! It's nice to see you again!" I exclaimed as we hugged.

I walked into the locker room and changed into my swimming clothing and waited for the Olympic host to announce me.

"Now, we have the winner of last year, a boy who broke a record for having so many medals for his young age, a new Olympian, Percy Jackson!"

I walked out, beaming. The crowd cheered and I smiled as I walked to take my place. 

"Ready, set, go!"

I made the water around me push me as I lazily swam to the other side. I sat up, watching the rest of the contestants swimming as fast as they could. They stared at me in shock, then applauded. I raced a couple more times and went to the news reporter.

"How does it feel being the record beater of the world, not to mention the youngest person to receive so many medals?"

"It feels great. I had a lot of support, especially from my bro, Micheal. Some tell me that he might hate me, but I've known him forever. I'm so lucky to have a bro like him."

I fist-pumped him and he hugged me. I pulled away.

"So, Percy, how old are you?"

"I am eighteen, I'm turning nineteen next month."

"Really? Wow. What college do you go to?"

"I actually am not supposed to say that, because it would give away my cover. I have spoken with the teachers and staff to use my fake name. I'll reveal it at graduation, don't worry," I joked.

"Is there anyone who was unsupportive?"

"Yes, there was. I cannot say his name, as that would be very mean of me, and my goal is to be nice to all people no matter their status. This man is not an Olympian, he was the football captain of my school, but now he goes to some school in Virginia. All I remember is him bragging that he would have good food and everything."

"Oh, he sounds like a terrible person. Mind giving his initials?"

"Fine. R.E."

"Do your fellow Olympian friends know him?"

"Yes, they have come to dislike him. He tried to make himself the Olympian, claiming that he was me, but they noticed immediately and embarrassed him in front of the whole school."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, Percy. That's all we have for tonight, stay tuned."

I brought my duffel bag full of medals home and Thalia ran to give me a hug.

"You did so well, Kelp Head! I'm so proud to have you as a cousin."

I hugged her back.

"Me, too, Thals. Me, too."

Annabeth's POV:

I sat in the library, silently reading a book while Leo and Calypso whispered to each other to my left. I rolled my eyes at their chit chat and began to read my Greek textbook. One of the jocks comes over and touches me. 

How dare he?!

"Who the f****** hell are you?" I snarled.

"I'm so ashamed that you didn't recognize an old friend."

He pulled down his hood and I gasped in horror. It was Micheal. The boy I refused to date a year ago.

"Whoa! What happened to you?"

"I'm broke, Annabeth. No place to stay, no bed to lay on, could you take me in as your boyfriend this year?"

Leo and Calypso gritted their teeth and were staring at him with eyes that promised death.

"I'm sorry, but I only have one bed."

"We can share while you and I...enjoy ourselves."

I gasped. That pervert better not be talking about what I think he's talking about. I'm sure he is though.

"No! I will never go out with you. I have a boyfriend and he's way better than you."

"You mean your fake boyfriend?"

"No, he's real, and he's famous. I can't tell you who he is yet, but he's real!" I shouted.

"Sh! This is a library!" A librarian muttered some curses and disappeared.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Micheal. He leaned in and pressed me against the table with his chest. He smelled awful. I crinkled my nose up at the smell.

"Aw, you like my scent? I bought cologne, just for the occasion, when you say yes to being my girlfriend."


"Aw, you're just mad..."

He leaned in to kiss me, but I punched him in the face and he was out cold in the library. I was fuming. He was a pervert. I told Helen, but she didn't listen. I'm glad Percy is my boy.

Thalia's POV:

I loved Connor so much, and it hurt that he wasn't here. I dialed his number on my phone. Words couldn't describe how much I longed to hear his voice again. I called for a long time until I gave up on the voicemail. I sighed and hopped into the pool. I heard buzzing from the edge of the pool. Connor?

Yes! It was from Connor! I picked it up.


"Hey, Thals."


"You called?"

"I miss you so much, Connor."

"I miss you, too, Thals. I want you to FaceTime me. I want you to meet my friend, May."

"May... a girl?"


He better not be cheating on me.

I switched to FaceTime and I saw Connor in the corner with a girl that had brown eyes and brown hair. Her glasses were resting on her nose and she smiled and waved. I was glad she wasn't a slut.

"So, I'm May, Connor's friend," she said, grinning happily.

"Hi, I'm Thalia, Connor's girlfriend." I tried not to put too much emphasis on girlfriend, but I just added a little.

"Hi! I'm tutoring him right now."

"How long have you two been friends?"

"Two weeks. He needed help, so I decided to sign up as a tutor. He's always talking about you and how amazing you are."

I relaxed.

He wasn't cheating.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, too."

"Thalia! Dinnertime!"

"Oh, gotta go. Percy's calling me for dinner. Bye!"

Percy Jackson, Life In Goode HighWhere stories live. Discover now