Chapter 5

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Jo's POV -

As we approach the pool Hero quickly turns and walks straight towards the bar, I see the guys have set up there and I continue to join Anna, Meadow and Inanna. They are sat along the pool edge with there feet dipped into the pool and some crazy exotic looking cocktails. As I place my book and towel down I suddenly get a twinge of nervousness, I'm about to join them but have a kaftan on. They all look so elegant sat with there designer swimsuits on. I don't normally give my appearance a 2nd thought but I am now. Why? I'm not self conscious, I like the way my body curves. I have always had the figure of a woman, even early on. I make the assumption it's because I hardly know these people, we only met yesterday so I get a grip and take my Kaftan off and join them sitting myself beside Inanna.

'Gurl you look hot!' she states as I walk towards her. This isn't helping but I appreciate the kindness ment by her comment. She must have sensed my nerves.

'Thank you, you all look great sat here like model's soaking up the sun'. I reply with a smile. As soon as I finish Anna passes me a bright pink cocktail.

'Jo, today is all about good vibes. Have this and enjoy it because soon enough you will be on set bringing Tessa to life. But for now we will enjoy the sun and maybe get a little drunk. As a team building exercise of course'. She laughs and nods to the bar where the guys all seem to be 'team building'. I roll my eyes but enjoy the laid back day ahead of us. I didn't drink often so I would be sure to take my time.

After an hour or so of cocktails and chatting to the girls, Anna advises that Sam, Khadija, Dylan and Pia are all arriving together tomorrow morning. Great, it will be lovely to meet the rest of the guys, nice to have had time with everyone here so far but I was excited to meet Dylan as we have quite a few scenes together. Before I realise I am in a daydream I am soaked head to toe. The guys obviously thought it would be hilarious to dive bomb into the pool one by one and left us 4 sat looking like we had been caught in a downpour. Everyone is laughing so hard, and I feel hands on my ankles. Before I realise what is happening I am pulled into the pool and under the cool water. I start kicking and waving my arms around like a distressed fish, as soon as my head is above water I see Hero swimming backwards trying to gauge my reaction. Yes he should be swimming backwards because if he was within reach I would hold him under the water for sure. Everyone is playing what I assume is a game of tag in the water, I didn't realise how deep it was under I step of a ledge and am submerged again. I feel a hand on my arm, pulling me up to the surface.

'Thank you' I gasp. While paddling across to the ledge to hold on. I can swim but it's been so long I clearly need some practice. Shane follows to after helping me. We cling on to the ledge and chat for a while, he is so nice and his voice makes me feel really relaxed. After all the fun in the pool we all head up to change and get ready for dinner. My head feels abit fuzzy from the cocktails but I'm buzzed. I've had an awesome day. I haven't really spoken to Hero which is fine but I can't help but ponder on how much I actually enjoy being around him. He feels familiar but in the way that I haven't met anyone like him, he just feel like a safe place. Especially since we are both experiencing our first time lead roles. We can have our journey together, a common place for us both to share along the way.

Tonight I decide to make an effort as I can only imagination the others will look amazing no matter what they wear. They are all so beautiful. I opt for a black and white polka dot summer dress and black flats. I curl my hair and apply simple make up. I haven't eaten since breakfast so I'm looking forward to dinner. I decide to knock on Hero's door on my way past. May aswell walk together if we are both heading to dinner. I knock gently, maybe to quiet for him to hear. I knock again.

'Okay, calm down. I am on my' he opens the door shirtless and with a frown. 'Sorry Jo, I thought you was Shane. He seems to be the time police around here. What's up?'

'Sorry, I was heading down for dinner and thought i' d see if you wanted to walk down together but you're not ready so I'll leave you to it' I say whilst gesturing to his bare torso trying not to stare. Why would I stare, I've seen him at the pool and even had the pleasure of his ass in my face. He has a lovely body though. He's slim but toned. His body looks older than his face in a way. Maybe because of his dimples, he looks cute but with a man's body. I shake my head at my crazy internal ramble.

'Sure, come in. I am nearly done. No talking though, I am facetiming my Mom and if she knows your here she will keep us by wanting to talk to you'. He heads over to the bed and picks up his phone. 'OK Mom, got to go. Meeting the guys for dinner. Love you, be safe, speak soon'. He shuts off the call and grabs a shirt from the back of the chair at the desk. He has no clothes in the closet, he hasn't unpacked yet. Typical guy thing I guess.

We head downstairs and see the lobby couches are housing the rest of the group. As we walk across Hero brushes my arm, the hairs on my arm stand up and I get a giddy feeling in my stomach. What the hell? It has to be the cocktails because I don't fancy this guy. He doesn't look at me, maybe it was an accident and I am being ridiculous.

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