71; telephonophobia

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telephonophobia - the fear of phones
Roonie's POV

I woke up early. I checked the time on my phone. 6 am. I sighed and put my phone down. Donovan's phone went off and I looked over. Why is he getting texts at 6 in the morning?

I shook it off trying to ignore it. It went off once again and then again. I reached over and quietly grabbed it.

Princess: we're not done talking about this
Princess: hello?
Princess: answer my texts!

It was nothing serious. Just another crazy Beth here to ruin another relationship. I put the phone down and grabbed my clothes and makeup bag. I made my way to the bathrooms and quickly changed into jean shorts and a long gray shirt. I washed my face and brushed my hair before braiding it into a long braid. I smiled into the dirty mirror and sighed. All I could do was assume the worst about the situation with Donovan and it was killing me that I was. He reassured me of it, but Grayson reassured me too and he and Beth kissed. I groaned and quickly brushed my teeth. I wasn't going to let a few stupid texts ruin Sean's birthday week.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Dylan and Charlie already standing at their kitchen post making breakfast. I smiled at how happy my two best friends were around each other. They argued like crazy, but at the end of the day, they loved each other.

"Hey, guys," I said as I walked past them.

"Hey, Roo!" Charlie said happily. I returned to the tent and placed my stuff back in my bag. Donovan was still sleeping and I let him sleep. I walked back over to the kitchen post.

"Roonie, does this taste good?" Dylan asked walked over with a spoon. Corned beef hash was on it. He placed the spoon in my mouth. "Well?"

"It tastes amazing, Dyl. You did a good job."

"Thanks, my assistant, on the other hand, is struggling to make eggs," he said looking over at Charlie in disgust.

"Well, when you tell me to make sunny side up and then last minute say scrambled and then say poached, I can't make eggs correctly!" I laughed. "He just doesn't know how to make up his mind which is why he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Maybe I don't have a girlfriend because the girl I want doesn't like me back."

"Well, isn't that a shame," she said. Charlie mumbled curse words under her breath and continued to scramble the eggs. Dylan looked at her with sad eyes.

"Anyway..." I said awkwardly. "I think scrambled eggs are a better idea than sunny side up."

"That's what I said," Charlie agreed.

"Fine, whatever." Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Goodmorning everybody!" I turned to see Sean walking over in his pajamas. Grayson smiled and held both of their backpacks.

"Goodmorning, Sean," I said. He walked over and gave me a tight hug.

"I shall be going to the restroom to get ready on this lovely morning," he said in a British accent.

Grayson sighed and shook his head. "He won't stop talking like that."

"Hurry, father, we mustn't be late for breakfast."

The three of us laughed while watching them walk off.


"Breakfast is served," Charlie and Dylan said.

"Yes, I'm starving," Grayson said.

"I too am famished-"

"Sean, stop talking like that!" Ethan groaned. "You're driving me insane."

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