48; pedaspheraphobia

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pedaspheraphobia - the fear of football
Grayson's POV:

"Is Grayson Dolan a father?!" The Tea Channel reporter asked with a picture of Sean and I at the school yesterday.

"You've got to be kidding me," I said burying my face in my hands.

"Yesterday, a video of Grayson Dolan dropping a little boy off to school was released by a fan on Twitter. The Tweet reading, "Saw Grayson Dolan at my little sister's school today". Many people think that this could be his son because of how oddly alike they look. Many fans tried shutting down the rumor, but was countered by the author of the Tweet saying that he was being dropped off in the 1st graders area. Now, many fans are now speculating that this could be Veronica Carter, Grayson's ex girlfriend's, son! He and Veronica were together for 3 years before their split in March of 2023." I paused the video.

"Wrong. We were together for 2 years and 6 months and we broke up in November of 2022." I went to go play the video, but Ethan cut me off.

"Technically, you guys never actually broke up."


"Well, no one actually said that you guys were over. You guys just kinda assumed it was over."

"We broke up, E." I rolled my eyes.

I played the video.

"One fan even tweeted. "Grayson was dropping off the boy in the Kindergarten area and 1st graders are 5-6 years old. Grayson and Roonie broke up 5 years ago? Maybe they broke up because she was pregnant and Grayson wasn't ready for kids? Or maybe they just broke up because they weren't feeling it anymore, but he's helping raise their child." Seems kinda weird how everything and timelines are beginning to line up, but as for now, we still have no info on the situation. Let us know what you think in the comments below!"

The outro of the video played and I looked over at Ethan.

"So What are you going to do now?" He asked.

"I'm gonna shut the rumors down," I said with a shrug. "Sean deserves a normal childhood."

"But now the school's going to be crowded with people wanting to know who Sean is."

"I'm gonna ask Roonie if I can get him checked out of school early."

"He'll be missing out on stuff."

"I'm gonna check him out like 20 minutes before school ends. He's in Kindergarten, he's not gonna miss anything."

He shrugged. "Whatever..."


I walked into Sean's school so that I could check him out. Roonie went in and put my name under people who could check him out a while ago. I filled out the piece of paper and the office secretary immediately went to get him.

"You're Sean's father?" The other secretary lady in the front office asked.

"Yeah," I said with a smile.

"He's such a bright kid and he's so sweet when he talks to me in the cafeteria."

"Thank you."

"His beautiful heart is too pure for this world." She smiled.

"Hi!" Sean's small voice squealed. I looked down the hall to see him skipping toward me.

"Hi, Sean," I said chuckling.

He ran over and his small body immediately hugged mine.

"Bye, Mrs. Vincent," he said waving at the secretary lady.

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