46; somniphobia

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somniphobia - the intense fear of sleep
Roonie's POV

I dialed Grayson's number when I knew I was far enough away from Sean. He was currently wrestling with Dylan on the living room floor.

"Hello?" Grayson answered.

"Hey," I said softly. His voice hit my heart in a different way every time I heard it.

"What's up?"

"Does Sean ever talk about someone named... Pickles?"



"No... why?" He asked.

I looked around Sean's room and through his things.

"His teacher told me that he's been writing about a character named Pickles who like hurts him or something."

"That's weird..."

"Yeah. She talked to the school and they're making assumptions about what his life at home is like and they'll be randomly sending people by to check up on us."

"Sean seems normal to me."

"That's what I said. And I've never heard him mention anything about it. I think it could just be his imagination."

"You're probably right. You're always right, Roo."

"Not always..." I laughed. "But thanks, I just wanted to ask you. Just in case he's said something about it to you."

"Yeah, of course. What are you going to do about it?"

"I think I might sleep in his room tonight with him, which I absolutely hate doing-"

"Really? If you want... I can- I mean only if you're okay with it. It's like totally fine if you're not."

"If you want to you can. I'm totally down for it. I just personally don't like to because Sean will try and stay up longer than his bed time by asking me to tell him stories or talking to me about random stuff."

"I can totally spend the night with him. But it's your apartment, so you get to choose."

"I think it'll really help."

"So... is that a yes?"

"Yeah." I laughed. "I'll get the air mattress ready for you."

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit."

I exited the room to find Charlie now here and Dylan carrying Sean over his shoulder.

"Ah!" Dylan yelled gently throwing Sean back onto the couch. Sean immediately stood up and punch Dylan in his stomach, Dylan dramatically flying causing a laugh to escape Sean's lips.

I walked over and stood behind Charlie who was on her phone.

"Hey!" Charlie said with a smile. "I have big news for you."

"And that is..."

"You got 20 matches on Tinder!" She squealed.

"What?" I laughed.

"I made you a Tinder profile."

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"Roonie, I think it's time you start dating again."

"Oh boy," I said walking off.

"I'm being serious," she said following me. "It's been five years, Roo!"

"I know, Char. But Grayson was my first boyfriend and I didn't know how to be a girlfriend when I was with him."

"That's okay! At least you have some experience." I laughed.

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