50; cafephobia

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cafephobia - the fear of coffee
Roonie's POV:

Donovan: so... we've been talking for like 2 weeks now, but u still won't let me take you on a date

I smiled and thought of a response.

Me: u haven't exactly asked

Donovan: Would you like to go on a date with me Miss Veronica Carter?

Me: hmmmm... I'll think about it

Donovan: I'll be waiting for your response then ;)

Me: you'll be waiting for a while then ;)

Donovan: awwwe don't do me like that

Me: like what?

Donovan: just let me take u out on a date pls? maybe like coffee or something? we can watch the sunset and talk about conspiracy theories

A slight smile grew on my lips. Donovan and I had a lot more in common than Grayson and I.

Me: sounds nice... but idk

Donovan: don't know about what?

Me: it depends on the day...

Donovan: how does this saturday work?

I left the Tinder app and went to my calendar to check my schedule. Eight to eight? I sighed and went back to the app.

Me: i have work until 8.

Donovan: I'm down for a late coffee if u are😂

Me: Fine
Me: but on one condition

Donovan: anything for you miss carter

Me: I have to be home by 10:30

Donovan: you have a curfew?😂

Me: noooo lol. i just don't know how interesting i can be after a 12 hour shift

Donovan: I'm sure you'll be just fine.

Me: so... this Saturday, 9pm?

Donovan: starbucks?

No not starbucks. That was a Grayson thing.

Donovan: we can like.. pick it up and watch the sunset... or stars? Idk 😂

Once again, sunset watching and star gazing. A me and Grayson type of date.

Donovan: and we can talk about conspiracy theories about the ocean and space and of course anything u wanna talk about ? Maybe? Idk it's up to u

Also a me and Grayson thing. I sighed.

Me: sounds great!

Donovan: u sure?

Me: yeah ofc!
Me: but i have work tmrw and i needs get some stuff done. Talk to u later?

Donovan: yeah, goodnight Veronica.

Me: goodnight Donovan.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Roonie up at 11pm texting that boy again..." Charlie said shaking her head. I laughed and she walked over flopping on the couch next to me. "How is it?"

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