41; ephobiphobia

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ephobiphobia - the fear of youth
Roonie's POV

"You met someone else?" Grayson asked, his eyes on his hands.

"What?" I asked.

"You met someone else and you're married now with a son?"

"Oh my..." I sighed. "Can you please fill out your dinner menu? Or have Ethan do it?"

"I don't know where Ethan went. And my hand is fucked up."

I took in a deep breath before grabbing his dinner menu and sitting down in the chair next to the bed.

"What are you hungry for?" I asked. "Out of these options..."

He looked down the list. "Cheeseburger please."

I circled it. "And to drink?"


"Do you need anything else before I walk out of this door. I can't guarantee that I'll be your nurse for the night, so this might be the last time you see me..." I said while inching toward the door.

"Did you meet someone else?" He asked.

"No, I didn't."

"Was that little boy who was in here just now, my son then?"

I looked at the door. This really was not how I was expecting this to all go down. I always pictured it being at a nice coffee shop or something or asking him to meet me at the park. Not this.

"Yes," I said so soft it was almost a whisper.

Grayson looked at me with soft eyes, but I stayed looking away.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know until 2 weeks after the wedding that I was 6 weeks pregnant with him."

"You could've called-"

"No, I couldn't."

"Why not?" He asked. "5 years and I didn't know I had a son?!"

"It shouldn't fucking matter to you."

"But it does! It matters to me! I deserved to know-"

"So, you're just gonna leave me and say you deserve to know? If you weren't willing to stay with me, how do I know you would've stayed with me and my son?"

"Our son-"

"No. That little boy is my son. Everything I do, is for him."

"And if I would've known, I would've done everything for him too."

"No, it's different. When you left me that day, you didn't just leave me. You left me and your son. You left our whole future together. And because of that, Sean is my son."


"He's my son-"

"No. What's his name?"

"If he was your son, you'd know-"

"What's his name?" He asked again.

That's when it hit me. Grayson heard his name.


"He is my son."


"If he wasn't me son, you wouldn't have named him after my Dad."

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