24; ekplixiphobia

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ekplixiphobia: the fear of surprises
Roonie's POV:

"Did he propose yet?" Audrey asked right as she sat down next to me.

"What are you talking about, Audrey?" I asked while continuing to copy the starter on the board into my notebook.

"I saw it all over twitter," she said quickly as she pulled stuff out of her bag too. "Grayson was at Morgan Jewelers looking at engagement rings!"


"You didn't know?! I thought you'd know!"

I just shook my head and chuckled to myself. "I know."

"Then why were you playing dumb?" She asked smacking my shoulder.

"Because I don't know why it's that big of a deal. And if he was planning to surprise me, twitter and The Hollywood Fix ruined it for me."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, it's fine. I don't like surprises anyway."

"Well, did he talk to you at least?"

"No... Like we talked, but I pretended like I didn't know what was going on when he brought up the whole situation. He probably knows that I've seen it already, but I don't care."

"How do you feel about it? Like you guys were made public a few months ago and the kid might want to marry you!" I sighed. "You want to marry him, right?"

"Yes, of course. But I'm busy with school and stuff right now. I don't necessarily have the time to plan a wedding," I said with a shrug. "I just thought that we'd wait until I was out of college."

"You're right..."

"So did he ask you yet?" Lakota asked running over and sitting down next to us. Audrey and I just looked at each other before laughing. "What? I wanna be in on it too!"

Grayson's POV:

"Okay, I feel bad, now," Ethan said as I lifted weights.

"What are you talking about?"

"I shouldn't have gone off on you about the bracelet. It was fucking expensive, but you fucking love this girl-"

"E, it's okay. I already returned it."

"Just be honest, Gray. Were you going to propose to her? And that's why you were at all of those stores yesterday?"

"No, I wanted to give her something as a gift. I was looking at engagement rings, but I wasn't going to buy one," I replied. "I'm waiting until she's at least halfway through with school or completely through with it. Wedding planning seems like a lot and she already gets stressed out on a daily basis. If my thought process is right, my proposal and school will work out and the timing will be perfect."

"Are you seriously that in love with her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying that marriage is a huge commitment. You're basically dedicating your love and yourself to one person. Are you ready for that?"

"Of course I am, Ethan. I've been ready my whole life. All I've ever wanted was a cute little family and now I've met the girl that I want to have a cute little family with."

"I just say fuck a plan and propose." I laughed.

"I'm gonna wait it out, Ethan. Waiting isn't shit because time flies when you're spending it with the right person."

"Wow... you're hooked."

"I guess you could call it that," I said with a soft smile.


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