63; hodophobia

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hodophobia - the fear of travel
Roonie's POV 

"Be good, okay," I said as I knelt in front of Sean and said goodbye.

"I will, Mommy," Sean said.

"And listen to Daddy."

"I will." 

"I'm gonna miss you." I gave him a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you too."

I smiled. "Make sure you call me every day. And don't open your Christmas present until Christmas."

He hugged me tighter. "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Sean." I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. I fixed his beanie and adjusted his sweater. "I love you so so so much."

He smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek. I stood up.

"You guys should get going," I said to Grayson. Sean hugged my leg. "He's scared of heights, so the plane ride might be a little rough."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he's okay."

"You have everything, right?" I asked. Grayson nodded. "Okay."

"Bye, Roonie," he said with a smile.

"Bye," I said giving him a tight hug before moving over and hugging Ethan. "Time for you to go, Sean."

"Bye, mommy."

"Bye, Sean." He let go of my leg and grabbed Grayson's hand. 

They waved and yelled their goodbyes while walking into the airport. I waved back and smiled. They soon disappeared and I hopped into my car and drove off. 

I drove to my old neighborhood and parked my car about a block away. I hopped out and walked toward Kian's house. I discretely climbed the back gate and made my way up the ladder of the treehouse. I moved my suitcases out of the way and lied down on the air mattress I brought with me. I was planning to spend time with Kian and Bea, but then I found out that Bea's family would be staying with them for Christmas too. So, to save myself from the awkwardness, I told them I was going to New Jersey. I also told Charlie and Dylan that I would be leaving with Grayson and Sean to New Jersey because I didn't want them to pity me and not spend time with their families. All I had to do was hide out in the treehouse until the 27th. Just one week and I'll be good.

Grayson's POV 

"Mommy seemed sad," Sean said as we hopped off the plane.

"It's probably because she's gonna miss you," I said. I held his hand tightly and we walked over to baggage claim.

"Well, she's been sad the past few days. Like after your birthday she all of sudden just got sad."

"I'm sure it's just because she knows she's gonna miss you this Christmas."

"Okay." We walked out. My mom stood on the outside of the car. "Grandma!"

Sean ran over to her and gave her a tight hug.

"Sean!" She said picking him up off of the ground and placing a kiss on his cheek. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too." He laughed. I smiled.

"Where's your mom?" She asked looking around.

"Roonie had to stay at home because of work."

"Well, that's a bummer," she said. "C'mon, let's go home."


We arrived at the house. 

"Let's go, Sean," I said hopping out of the car. I went to the trunk and grabbed our suitcases. I felt a snowball hit my back. I turned to see Sean with a smile plastered on his face.

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