3; agliophobia

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Agliophobia: the fear of pain

Roonie's POV

"I really don't wanna go," I said with a sigh as I watched Charlie get dressed for Gabe's party.

"Well, you're going to go," she said with a smile. "Now, let's find something cute for you to wear."

She looked through my closet for clothes.

"You look really good in yellow so..." she set out a yellow spaghetti strap crop top with crisscross detail on the front. "You're going to wear this."

"Well, don't you think that's a little revealing," I said while looking at the top. "Like my chest area is practically going to be hanging out."

"That's why you're going to wear this with it!" She smiled and held up a push-up bra.

"Charlie..." I whined softly.

"C'mon, Roo. It's cute! And you'll pair the top with these." She held up a pair of high waisted denim short shorts that she bought me last Christmas but I never wore.

"I'm practically going naked!"

"That's the point, duh." She rolled her eyes.

"Go try it on."

She shoved the clothes at me and I walked into the bathroom. I quickly changed into the outfit. I felt chills creep up my arms as I stared at myself in the mirror. I wasn't used to wearing such revealing clothes.

I walked back into my room.

"Dude, you look freaking hot," Charlie said. "Spin."

"I don't look like myself," I said softly. "And I'm not comfortable in these clothes."

"To be comfortable you have to be confident. Roonie, you have such a beautiful body, I don't know why you don't show it off."

"I don't know," I said softly. "I'm not used to doing it..."

There was a knock at my door and the door opened.

"Nope, take it off. You're not wearing that," Kian said with his arms crossed. "You can wear..." He walked over to my closet. "This."

He threw a pair of sweats and a large sweater on the bed. Charlie groaned.

"Don't forget the beanie!" He grabbed the beanie and put it on my head, pulling it down so it covered my entire face. I laughed a bit and pulled the beanie off.

"But Kian!" Charlie complained. "She looks cute! Look at her, your sister is absolutely gorgeous!"

"I know she is, which is why she should cover herself up. I don't need her to attract any pesky teenage boys," he said with a disgusted look on his face. I smiled.

He tapped my nose and looked at Charlie.

"She can wear the shorts but the top has to go. Wear this one, this one suits you," he said grabbing a yellow planet tee out of the closet and handing it to me. "It's you."

I smiled. "Thank you, Kian."

"No problemo, bean." He kissed my forehead. "Have fun at the party, be back at 7:15."

"The party starts at 7!" Charlie called as he walked out the door.

"Exactly," he said with a smirk before shutting his door.

"As much as I love your brother, I hate him at the same time," Charlie said with a groan. "Hurry and get the shirt on, Dylan will be here soon to pick us up."

I smiled and pulled off the other top before sliding the other one on. I loved this shirt because it reminded me of the happy reoccurring dreams that I used to have when I was younger about space.

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