22; dystychiphobia

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dystychiphobia: the fear of accidents 

Roonie's POV: 

I sat down in my first class after saying goodbye to Grayson. Again, I was alone and was still getting used to everything. I took out my stuff and got ready for the day. Through my peripheral vision, I saw someone sit down beside me, but I didn't dare to look up.


"Hi," I said looking up.

"I'm Audrey, remember?" She asked.

"Yeah..." I nodded.

"And you're... Roonie?" 

"Yeah." I felt super awkward. She knew who I was because of Grayson. What if she's here to bash on me-

"I saw everything yesterday. It was literally all over my timeline."

"G-Grayson didn't want me on social media yesterday, but I got on anyway."

"Yeah, everyone was saying you cheated and I was like, there is no way she would've done that. Also, I'm assuming you're a virgin, just because of the way you walk and talk. Anyway, there were a whole bunch of girls talking shit on you on twitter, but they all shut up and deleted their tweets when you dropped that video with the twins."

"They were talking shit on me?" I asked.

"Yeah, but don't let it get to your head. Because deep down, anyone from our school who believed you cheated, lowkey didn't actually believe it. They were just saying it because that's what everyone else believes."


"Like, people are quick to assume and believe things because it's what social media wants them to think. They only agree with what everyone else on social media says."

"Oh, yeah... I hate that," I said. She smiled.

"Hey, guys." I looked up and turned to the other side of me. Lakota, the kid from yesterday, sat down next to me. "I saw your video with your boyfriend. Did you guys actually go on dates in disguises?"

I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I wanted to protect his career and he wanted to protect me."

"That's so cool. And he didn't even look like himself."

"I honestly don't see it, but I guess people fell for it because they didn't know it was him to start with," I said.

"That's so true!" Audrey added.

"Well, props to you for keeping your head up. You didn't deserve any of the bullshit people were saying about you," he said. 


I checked my schedule and realized that I had a free block and didn't have to go to class for the next 2 hours.

I quickly called Grayson who answered immediately.

"Hey," he said with a smile.

"Hi," I said.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Yeah, but I don't have a class right now, so I was wondering if you wanted to come pick me up and we can go get food or something. My treat."

"I'll be right there," he said before hanging up. 

I sat down on a bench where Grayson usually picks me up. I sighed and scrolled through social media. All I could see were pictures of me and Grayson and that stupid picture. I sighed and read through some of the nasty things people wrote about me. 

I quickly called Charlie in hopes that she wasn't in class. It was hard having Charlie and Dylan be three hours ahead of me. They were already in class when I woke up. They were studying when I got out of school. And when I was done studying, they were in bed. 

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