13; aerophobia

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aerophobia; the fear of flying and airplanes

Grayson's POV:

I woke up and was immediately greeted by the sun shining through the window. Roonie was asleep next to me, pieces of hair falling out of her messy bun and onto her beautiful face.

"You're so beautiful, Roonie," I whispered softly, moving the strands of hair out of her face.

I smiled before pecking her beautiful pink lips.

I jumped a bit when her phone went off, receiving a text. I grabbed it and checked it just in case it was Kian.

Gabe Johnson.

I stared at his name angrily. Why won't he leave her alone? I mean, Roonie made it very obvious yesterday that she had a boyfriend.

Gabe Johnson: i saw u left me on read, but i just really wanted to talk to u face to face and tell u everything just in case we never see each other again. ig i can do it over text tho.. roonie, i really like u and i KNOW u like me too. i see it in ur eyes whenever we say hi to each other in the halls. we had soooooo much chemistry throughout all 4 years of high school, but u were so quiet that i feared talking to u. and then yesterday u were talking about some guy, and correct me if im wrong, but i believed u were hinting @ me.. but anyway i like u roonie a lot

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Roonie to make sure she wasn't awake. He needed to leave her alone.

I quietly slipped out of bed and made my way toward the prop drawer and pulled out the wig, glasses, fake nose ring, and make up we used to disguise me for prom. I quickly got myself ready, adding some purple eye shadow to my neck, as fake hickies, just to make sure that he wouldn't text her anytime soon, before slipping back into bed with Roonie. She wore my shirt to bed. I smiled and kissed her cheek once again.

I picked up her phone and took a quick picture of us, me kissing her jawline as she slept soundly.

I sent the picture.

Me: this is Roonie's boyfriend, George. pls stop texting my girlfriend.

Gabe Johnson: sorry

I quickly deleted the whole message thread between them and put Roonie's phone back on the night stand. I quickly washed my face and neck, and put all the props back.


"Grayson!" I heard Roonie call from the bedroom.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I answered. I listened as her footsteps came down the hallway. I smiled as Roonie wrapped her arms around my waist, lying her head on my shoulder.

"Watcha doin?" She asked in a small sweet voice.

"I'm making us some breakfast and then after we eat, I'm gonna go clean up the backyard before E and Bryant get home."

"Okay..." She continued to hug me. I placed a kiss on her forehead.


"So, What do you wanna do today?" I asked as we sat outside next to the pool and admired the view.

"I don't know..."

"Do you have any summer plans?"

"Not really," I said softly. "Except, every July 18th, me, Char, and Dylan spend the whole day together and then end the night with Smores."

"Why? Is it like best friend day or something?"

"No... I think. In 5th grade we came up with the idea, and it's stuck ever since. It's like a tradition."

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