20; didaskaleinophobia

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didaskaleinophobia: the fear of school 

Roonie's POV: 

"I'm so nervous," I said worriedly as Grayson pulled up to the front of the school.

"Don't be. You're gonna do great," he said placing his hand on my cheek.

"The only people that I know are the girls on the team. And most of them are all older than me. I'm not going to know anyone in my class."

"That gives you a reason to branch out and make more friends, baby." I sighed.

"I wish you could go to school with me."

"I'd love to, but I hate school," he said making me laugh. 

"I hate you." I rolled my eyes.

"You could try, but you can't." He flashed a smile at me and batted his eyelashes. "Now, go get 'em."

"I'll try," I said softly while looking at the enormous school campus. "Okay, I'm gonna go."

"Okay." I got out of the car and put my backpack on.

"I love you. I'll see you later and have a great day," he said with a smile.

"I love you too, Grayson." He leaned across the glove department. I got back into the car a bit and place a kiss on his lips.

"I'll see you later. Have fun!"

"I'll try!"

"You mean, you will!" He called. I just rolled my eyes and waved as he drove off. I looked at the little piece of paper with all of my class information written on it.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out to check it. Charlie was facetiming.

"Omg, hi!" She squealed as soon as I answered. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too!" I said. "It's so different not having you around!"

"I know, same! Let me add Dylan to the call!" I waited a few seconds.

"Hi, hoes!" Dylan yelled as soon as he got on the call. 

"Shut up you stupid bitch," Charlie said with an eye roll. 

"I miss you guys!" He said with a bright smile.

"I don't know anyone here other than the volleyball team," I said with a frown as I continued to walk through campus.

"Same!" Dylan said. "I only know the football guys. But I met a few people last Friday at a party one of the Frat boys through. Ohio has some fine girls."

"Just be sure they're not hoes," Charlie teased.

"I'm glad you met people," I said. "Charlie?"

"I'm friends with the dance team. But I really miss cheering. And there aren't many cute guys here. So, let's hope I go to some coffee shop with a book like Roonie and pick up a guy."

"Oh, shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"It's gonna be super easy for you to make friends," Dylan said.

"No, it's not," I said.

"Yeah, it is!" Charlie argued. "Girls are going to be all over you since you're Grayson Dolan's girlfriend."

"Or they're going to hate me."

"But they're not going to hate on you to your face. They'll pretend to like you."

"Them pretending to like me is a lot worse than having no friends," I said while looking up at my class. "Um, class is about to start. I'll call you guys later."

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