1; agoraphobia

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Roonie's POV:

Agoraphobia. It's the fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment.

They say 'keep your circle small'. At least that's what the Instagram captions of squad pictures usually are, followed by the fingers crossed emoji and a heart. But here's the thing, in those squad pictures are about 25 kids who are all lowkey talking crap on each other but they're in the picture to get tagged for the extra follows or just to make themselves look better or loyal. That's the tea.

A small circle would be mine. Me and my 2 best friends. Dylan Mena and Charlotte Olsen. Both crazy exotic kids who have happened to be friends with me since literally birth. That's what a 'small circle' looks like. Literally.

I broke away from the short excerpt I was writing and looked up at the clock at the front of the classroom. 5 more minutes before the school bell rings and I'm released from this living hell that I call a school. I slowly slipped the piece of paper that I was writing my thoughts on into my binder and waited for the shrieking bell to ring.

The bell rang and I quickly got up from my seat and made my way to my locker. I tried my hardest to avoid people. I struggled in social environments.

I quickly turned the lock on my locker and put in my combination before easily popping my locker open and putting my binder into my backpack. I quickly erased the 6 off of my whiteboard and replaced it with a 5. 25 more days until graduation.

I smiled brightly. This year was the year that I'd be finally done with school in this town. Afterward, it'd be a college in hopefully a better place.

I felt someone smack my rear end and I immediately turned around to see Charlotte smiling a bright and goofy smile.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." She giggled. I laughed a bit before punching her shoulder lightly.

Charlotte 'Charlie', she's the type of girl that everyone wants to be. A beautiful natural blonde with bright ocean blue eyes and very plump pink lips. She has such an outgoing personality and is never afraid to be who she is. She's the cheer captain and is literally the happiest person ever. She's also so nice to everyone and literally defeats the cheerleader stereotype.

"Hi, Charlie," I said with a smile.

"25 more days until we're out of this dump!" She yelled. "Can I get a hoya!"

Around the hall, kids began to reply back to her with a hoya. I laughed a bit.

"You didn't give me a hoya, Roo."

"Hoya," I said with a chuckle.

"That's more like it!" She smiled and did a little happy dance.

"I'm so glad we're almost done with high school, dude!" I said excitedly. Dylan and Charlie are literally the only people that I can ever be myself around.

"Same! Except, I'm kinda sad that I'm going to be leaving my cheer babies. I'm gonna miss them so much." I sighed.

"Sometimes I wish I could just be you, Charlie."

"Shut up. I sometimes wish I could be you."

We both laughed before feeling a pair of arms wrap around us both.

"What up, noobs?" I laughed and looked up at Dylan.

Dylan, he's totally obsessed with video games. Gaming has always been his thing. But he's also a total athlete. Sports has always been the most important thing to him. He trains hard to get what he wants. For example, he's this year's captain of the football team. No, he's not a snob and no he's not dating Charlie. Another thing that totally disproves stereotypes shown in movies.

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