61; basophobia

550 21 70

basophobia - the fear of falling 
Roonie's POV (I recommend listening to the song throughout the chapter or starting it when the song is mentioned)

I shut the door behind me and smiled.

"No smiling," Charlie said with her arms folded across her chest.


"You almost kissed him!"

"Okay, and?"

"You just met!"

"Okay, and?" She groaned. 

"As Team 'I Still Believe You And Grayson Have A Chance Even Though He's A Piece Of Garbage', I am very angry that Donovan is doing better than Grayson!" 

"No one is doing better than the other. Donovan tried to make a move and I let him."


"I'm trying to figure my feelings out. I don't know if I'm into him the way he's into me. I'm not trying to lead him on any longer."

She sighed. "Just drop him. He's literally Grayson, just smarter."

"I don't want to drop him. Not yet, at least."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She asked.

"I don't know." I sighed. "A sign? I don't know."

"Well, that sign needs to hurry up because I'm tired of waiting."

I flopped down on the couch and covered my face with my hands. My phone rang and I grabbed it out of my pocket.

"Who is it?" Charlie asked.

"Grayson," I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey," Grayson's soft voice said through the phone. "Are you picking up Sean tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. I just got home."

"I can drop him-"

"No, it's okay." I smiled. "I'll be there in like 20."



"Bye." I awkwardly hung up the phone. 

"I have to go pick Sean up," I said getting up from my spot on the couch. "Should I shower first? I smell like the ocean."

"Are you trying to impress someone?" Charlie asked.


"Then, no."

"Okay, whatever."


I unlocked the door and walked in. 

"Grayson?" I called.

"He's working out!" Ethan called.


I walked toward their mini gym. I walked in. Grayson was once again bench pressing. Falling by Harry Styles playing low on the speaker.

"Hey," I said with a smile. Grayson looked over and smiled, continuing his workout. I walked over and stood at his head to help spot while he did his reps. "This is an interesting song choice to work out to."

He placed the bar down and chuckled. "I didn't even realize this was playing."

"I was gonna say this is very slow for work out music." I leaned up against the wall.

"Can you pass me that towel?" I grabbed the white towel hanging on a white clip on the wall and passed it to him. I watched as he wiped the sweat off of his body. "How was your date?"

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