42; cherophobia

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cherophobia - where a person has an irrational aversion to being happy

Grayson's POV

"Mom," I said into the phone as soon as she answered. "You will not believe what I just found out."

"What?" She asked. "Also, how's your hand?"

"It's healing." I looked down at the wrapping around it. "Anyway... I'm gonna need you to brace yourself."


"I have a son, mom."

"What do you mean you have a son?" She asked.

"Well, Roonie is my nurse-"

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I replied.

Roonie walked in with a tray. She smiled awkwardly and set it in front of me. I put my mom on mute and set my phone down.

"You wanted a vegan sandwich, right?" I nodded. She uncovered the meal for me and moved the small table in front of me.

"Thank you."

"Yup. Just press the button if you need anything," she said walking out the door and not even looking back at me.

I grabbed my phone and unmuted it.



"Okay, Where was I? Um... Roonie's my nurse! And one day this little boy comes running in calling her mom and I thought Roonie met someone else. But he's my son!" I said excitedly.

"Grayson! You have a son?!" She sounded excited too.

"Yeah! He's five years old and his name is Sean. Roonie's letting me get to know him while I'm still in the hospital. But I get discharged tomorrow. So, hopefully she lets me hang out with him more."

"I'm sure she will."

Roonie's POV

"So, how does it feel to serve your baby daddy?" Dennis asked.

"Fuck off," I whispered with an eye roll.

"Seriously, though!"

"It doesn't feel weird. We used to date and I'd make him food all the time. This isn't any different."

"How's Sean?"

"He's Good-"

"No, how is he doing with the whole situation?"

"Um..." I thought about it. "I don't know. He hasn't really said much about it."

Dennis nodded. "So... what's it like to be Grayson Dolan's baby momma."

I chuckled. "It's not all that."

"It's got to be! He's the finest man to walk the earth after Michael B. Jordan!"

I laughed.

"I mean the sex was probably bomb-"

"Dennis!" I shushed him.

"Well, was it?"

"I don't know-"

"How do you not know?!"

"He was my first! I've never had sex with anyone else, so I don't have enough experience to rate it."

"It probably was."

I laughed. "Shut up."

"Mommy!" I turned to see Dylan walking over with Sean.

"Hi, my love," I said getting down and giving Sean a kiss. "How was school?"

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