65; christougenniatikophobia

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christougenniatikophobia - the fear of christmas
Roonie's POV 

I woke up, clutching my blanket close because of the cold. Roonie and Dylan should be on their way to their parents' house, and I'd get to go home to take a shower. I sighed and fixed the hood of my hoodie and curled up in a little ball again. I picked up my phone. It was 8 am and I still had no call from Donovan. Michigan is 3 hours ahead, he should've called by now. I turned the phone face down and stared at the pictures of Grayson and I hanging on the wall. 

Grayson's POV 

"You think mommy will be happy to see us?" Sean asked as I pulled up to Kian's house. It was 8 am, so Roonie should be awake by now.

"Of course she will, Sean." I laughed.

"I know, but mommy hates when people pity her."

"I know she does..." I sighed and parked the car. There were other cars parked in the driveway and none of them were Roonie's. Maybe she left her car at the apartment and had Kian pick her up. "Let's go."

Sean unbuckled his seatbelt and followed me out of the car. He held Kian and Beatrice's present that we bought. We walked up to the door and I rang the doorbell. I could hear laughing inside. The house was so alive.

"I'll get it!" I heard Kian yell. The door opened and the bright smile on his face disappeared within seconds of making eye contact with me. I sighed.

"Merry Christmas, uncle Kian!" Sean yelled breaking the tension. He held the present up.

"Sean!" He smiled. "What's this?"

"It's for you and Aunt Beatrice!" Sean smiled brightly. "Is my mom here?"

"What?" He chuckled. "Are you playing games with me, Sean? Your mom went with you to Jersey."


 "You know Santa thinks kids who lie are naughty."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

"What?" He asked looking at me confused.

"Roonie said she was staying here while we were in Jersey," I said.

"She told me she was going with you to Jersey," Kian said awkwardly.

Sean shook his head slowly. "Mommy has work in 2 days. That's why she didn't go with us. She's supposed to be here with you."

"Your mom's not here," Kian said.

"Stop playing games, Uncle Kian." Sean pushed past him. "Mommy! I'm here!"

Kian watched him walk into the house before turning and looking at me. 

"She's not here?" I asked. Kian shook his head.

"She didn't go with you?" I shook my head.

"Uh, I'm gonna call Charlie, give me a second."

I walked back down to the end of the driveway and called Charlie who should only be a few houses down, but I didn't want to intrude with their family Christmas. 

"Hello? Grayson?" She answered.

"Hey, Char. Is Roonie with you?" I asked.

"Is this some kind of Christmas prank, Gray?" She laughed. "Roonie told me and Dylan she was going to Jersey with you."

"She didn't go to Jersey with me. She told me she was staying with Kian."

"She said goodbye to me and Dylan on the 19th. She said she was on her way to your place and that she was going to leave her car at your house. We haven't seen her since then."

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