49; sarmassophobia

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sarmassophobia - the fear of dating and relationships
Roonie's POV:

"Look at this guy," Charlie said showing me pictures of guys that matched me on the Tinder account she made me.

"Charlie, I'm not looking for a relationship right now."

"Bitch, I know. But play fake Tinder with me. You tell me which way to swipe based on his looks and profile."

I sighed. "Fine."

Dylan had a long day with the football team and came straight home and knocked out. Sean was also currently asleep.

"This is Lucas. He's 27 and likes fishing and steak. He also has a dog named Baxter."

"Is that it?"

"Um... he also has a 7 inch-"

"Left." Charlie laughed.

"Good choice. They're never actually that big in real life." I laughed. "This is Marcus. He's 23, likes basketball, video games, and burgers."

"Not bad."

"All of his pictures are pictures of his abs or his jawline."

"Um, left."

"Right it is."


"The man was packing, Roonie. Packing! I'm not gonna let you pass it up." I rolled my eyes. "Next one is Chase. He has brown hair, blue eyes, 6'3". He likes cookies and cuddling which watching Netflix originals."

"Aw, cute."

"Is that a right?"

"Nah." She laughed and swiped left.

"Damn. If you don't want this one, I'll gladly take him." She showed me the phone. He was a tall guy with milk chocolate skin and pretty brown eyes. "Donovan, 25. He's at UCLA. He likes surfing, skateboarding in the sunset, coffee, and reading books. He also played football for Michigan State before transferring to UCLA to study to become a surgeon."

"Ooh, definite right."

She laughed and swiped right. "You're gonna have to talk to one of the guys, you know."

"You can do that for-"

"He matched you back!"


"Donovan!" Charlie squealed. "He texted you. Holy shit. Answer it!"

"I'm not going to answer it, Char. We were just playing a game."

"It's a not a game when a guy who's obviously perfect for you, is a match!"

"I think I hear Sean waking up-"

"Answer," Charlie said grabbing my arm and dragging me onto the couch. She placed the phone in my hand.

Donovan: hey👋🏽

Me: hello :)

Donovan: I'm Donovan.

Me: nice to meet you, Donovan. I'm Veronica.

Donovan: I saw your profile and saw that you're into sunsets and surfing. Me too.

Me: that's cool. ur studying to be surgeon?

Donovan: yeah. I've been really into medical stuff since I was younger.

Me: me too! I'm a nurse.

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