16; hypochondria

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hypochondria: the fear of becoming ill 

Roonie's POV: 


"Hm," I hummed pulling the sheets over my head. "Leave me alone, Kian."

"Roonie, wake up."

I groaned and continued to tug on my blanket.


"Go away..." I curled up into a little ball. I felt the blanket ripped off my body and I whined and sat up.

"I'm highly offended that you don't know my voice," Grayson said with a smile.

"I was tired," I complained. "What?"

"Wow, grumpy much?"

"I had a very long day yesterday..." I rolled my eyes.

"I just missed you and I wanted to come and cuddle with you."

"So, you woke me up?"

"Actually, I thought you'd be awake by now. You never sleep in until 10."

"It's 10?" I asked looking over at my digital alarm clock, that I never use.

"Yeah..." He sat down on my bed and handed me my blanket which I quickly wrapped myself in. "You still tired?"

I nodded and lied back down. He lied down next to me and I lied my head on his chest while he played with my hair. I sneezed into my elbow before letting out a small cough.

"Oh, baby... I think you're getting sick," he said placing a hand on my forehead.

"I'm not sick," I denied.

"You're burning up, Roo."

"That doesn't mean I'm sick."

We continued to lie there. I listened to his quiet breaths and the sound of his heartbeat.


"Roonie..." I woke up a bit and saw Grayson standing there with a bowl and spoon.


"I ran to the store and bought some groceries and made you soup."

"You didn't have to do that," I said with a stuffy nose.

"You're sick. I need to take care of you..." He smiled. "I also brought you some cough medicine, ibuprofen, cough drops, and tissues."

"Thank you..." He handed me the bowl of soup and the spoon.

"Let me check your temperature first," he said grabbing a small medical kit with a thermometer. "Put it under your arm where it can touch your skin."

I listened and did as he asked. I waited and it beeped.

"107° baby..." he said worriedly. "How did you get so sick overnight?"

"I don't know," I said coughing into my elbow. "We went to Disney yesterday and then we ate smores and swam for hours last night."

"It's probably because you were swimming last night. It was super cold last night." He sighed and placed a hand on my forehead.

"I don't wanna get you sick, Gray. I can take care of myself..."

"I'm not gonna let you do that." He sighed. "I'll be fine."

I ate the soup which was still pretty hot. "Thank you for the soup."

"Anything for you, Roonie."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 3 in the afternoon. You've been sleeping for most of the day."

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