62; hexadecaphobia

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hexadecaphobia - the fear of the number 16
Roonie's POV 

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Grayson and Ethan! Happy birthday to you!" Sean and I sang as Grayson and Ethan blew out their candles.

"What did you wish for?" Sean asked.

"If I tell you it won't come true," Grayson said with a smile. 

Donovan and I are one month now. We made things official on November 2nd. For the most part, I'm happy with him. At first, it was hard believing that I genuinely liked him, but the more into the relationship we got, the more I realized that I did like him. We spend almost every second available together. This is one of those days where I don't spend time with him. I wanted to make Grayson's first birthday with Sean special.

"Present time!" Sean yelled running over to the front and grabbing the two neatly wrapped boxes. "Uncle Ethan goes first."

"Why?" Grayson asked.

"Because uncle Ethan was born first, duh." Grayson laughed.

Grayson and Sean have spent a lot of time together too. The night Donovan and I got together was the same night that Sean started calling Grayson, dad and he hasn't stopped since. I've never seen Grayson happier. They do a lot of stuff together now without me. I don't blame them though, I'm busy with work or Donovan half of the time.

"Woah!" Ethan said. "A new skateboard!"

Ethan was the same Ethan he's always been. Although he's matured, he still loves skateboarding and playing video games like he did when Grayson and I first met. Part of me thinks he's still holding onto his youth and that's probably why he's not in a relationship yet. Ethan could pull any girl he wanted. He has the personality and the looks, but I've never heard Ethan talk about a relationship so I'm not surprised. Besides, he just turned 26, he has his whole life to settle down.

On the other hand, Grayson and I have begun to act more like best friends. Since Donovan, we have become more distant romantically and closer as friends. The schedule with Sean remains. Some Sundays, I'll pick Sean up early and take him on a date with Donovan and I. I can tell Sean doesn't enjoy it, but Sean's still learning how to adapt to having Donovan around. Grayson still hasn't mentioned anything about a new relationship and whenever I ask him about it, he just avoids the topic or tells me that he's not looking; part of me wants him to move on though. I want him to move on just as I did, but sometimes I feel like I only want him to move on because I know it'll make me feel less guilty. So I try and forget about it. 

"Now Daddy," Sean said handing Grayson his gift.

I watched as Grayson opened his gift. 

"Aw," he said pulling out the framed picture of him and Sean. "This is so cute, Sean."

"Mommy made it." I smiled.

"I love it. I'm gonna put it on my nightstand so I can see it all the time."

"I have one just like it in my room."

"Yeah, he moved the picture of me and him to the back so he could fit yours on," I said. Grayson laughed.

Grayson wanted to take cute little family pictures of us and Sean, but I thought it'd be a bad idea given the fact that I was with Donovan now. So, Grayson called up one of his friends and will be doing a cute photoshoot with Sean next month.

"Time to cut the cake!" Sean yelled. "I'll go get the knife!"

"No, I'll go get the knife." I walked over to the kitchen and let the boys talk in the front. Sean asked his interesting little questions about what it was like to share a birthday growing up. They even talked about Christmas which would be next week.

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