23; barophobia

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barophobia: the fear of gravity 

Roonie's POV: *2 months later* 

"Grayson, Grayson. No," I said as Grayson picked me up off of the floor and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed and pounded at his back.

"I want to go!" He begged. 


"Why are you so scared, Roonie? It's just a haunted house."

"Just an eye roll? Do you hear yourself?!"

"Haunted houses aren't even that scary..."

"Yeah, until the scary people who are there to scare you jump out of nowhere and try to grab you and you freak out and have a mental break down in the middle of the haunted house. Then, people walk past you and stare at you like you're some weirdo!"



"Did people jump out and scare you which caused you to freak out and have a mental break down in the middle of the haunted house and people stared at you like you were some weirdo?" He asked.

"It was Freshman year," I admitted. He chuckled and set me back down. "Charlie and Dylan forced me to go."

"Let's go! You'll be a lot more mature than you were the last time you went so you'll be able to handle it." He smiled.

"I don't know..."

"And besides, you'll have your super muscular, well built, and handsome boyfriend to protect you," he said while jokingly flexing his huge ass biceps.

"Where?" I teased.

"Wow!" I laughed and leaned forward burrying my face in his chest. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "So... can we go?"

"If you really want to, then we can," I said. He smiled.

"Yay!" He smiled. "And don't worry, babe. I'll protect you."

"I believe you."

"I mean you should. Look at me," he said lifting the hem of his shirt.

"No," I said with a laugh while pushing his shirt back down. He laughed. I sat down on the couch. He plopped down next to me. I moved my legs so that they lied on top of his. "How's your life been, Dolan?"

"Amazing actually." He held my hand. "I'm super in love with this girl and she makes me more than happy."

"She sounds awful," I said sarcastically. He laughed his beautiful laugh, the one the angels in heaven envied.


"Hmm?" I hummed in response still mesmerized by the boy sitting in front of me. He was so beautiful and my heart beats for him in ways I would never be able to comprehend.

"I'm so in love with you." I smiled.

"Like deadass?" I asked sarcastically. He laughed again and pushed my legs aside before leaning over so that his head lied on my chest. I played with his soft brown hair before placing a kiss on his forehead. 

"Yeah, like deadass." I smiled. He looked up at me. "Also, the People Awards are next month and you're coming with me."

"I don't wanna go..."

"Why not?" He asked with a frown.

"Because that means I have to dress up and look good. And I have to walk next to you in front of a whole bunch of people and cameras."

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