21; visiobibliophobia

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visiobibliophobia: the fear of social media 

Grayson's POV: 

"What the fuck, Grayson!?" Roonie yelled.

"I- I didn't know this would happen!" I said running my hands through my hair as we stared at the picture. We were reading everything on social media and the picture was now trending on Twitter and YouTube.

"Why would you do it in the first place?" She asked while burying her hands in her face. "And it's been 3 months since you sent that! And you never told me!"

"I didn't feel the need to! I literally sent it and he backed off so I just let it be."

"You should've told me."

"I was jealous! Some random guy was texting you and trying to hit you up! And we had just gotten together..."

"You have no reason to be jealous of Gabe," she said pacing back and forth between the room. "What did your management team say?"

"Nothing, they're still pissed off that I revealed our relationship to the world without telling them about you first."

"Well, that's a terrible management team."

"They're great when they want to be, okay..." I rolled my eyes. "And this is home boy's fault anyway. He didn't have to post the picture."

"Oh, you mean the picture that you didn't have to send?" She asked.

"Just, do your homework and let me fix it."

"Don't tell me what to do," she scoffed. I groaned and stared at the screen.

The door slammed shaking the whole house. "Gray!" Ethan called.

"In here!" I replied. Ethan walked into the room. 

"Hey, Roo," Ethan said with a smile.

"Hi," she said with attitude in her tone from being mad at me.

"Do you know what you're going to do?" He asked standing behind me and staring at the computer screen. 

"I don't know... I could upload the pictures of us in our disguises and stuff, with a lengthy explanation?"

"You're gonna get a lot of backlash for it," Ethan said. "Why the fuck would you send it in the first place?" He asked smacking me in the back of the head.

"Exactly!" Roonie said.

"Not now, Roonie," I said looking at her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Maybe... we can do a bonus video this week and the three of us can sit down and explain everything. From the beginning, when I met Roonie at Starbucks," Ethan suggested.

"I mean, it'd work. Roonie?"

"What?" She asked.

"Are you down?" I asked.

She thought about it for a moment. "I'm really busy, so it can't take that long. And it has to be posted tonight."

"That's not enough time to edit it," I said. 

"Why would we have to edit it?" She asked. "It's a literal story time video. Editing is unnecessary."


"Let's get to filming then," Ethan said. "I'll go set up the cameras."

"What?" She asked as I looked at her.

"Why are you mad?" I asked.

"I'm not mad."

"Yes, you are," I argued.

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