don't want to let you down - Mikaelsons

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You and Klaus are engaged, but you work for the FBI and are on a high profile case and have no time to plan a wedding 

Nik proposed to me almost a year ago, which made me the happiest person in the world. And for most women, they have been planning their weddings since the age of 5 and as soon as they get engaged they start the planning process. My job however does not let me do that, I work for the FBI so I am constantly swamped in work and cases, always has to be able to leave to go somewhere at the drop of a hat. 

Throughout me and Nik's 3 years of being together, any milestone that we celebrate, there is always ALWAYS something big happens at work. Whether that is a new development in a case, or we catch someone. Without fail something always happens.

A year ago...

So the night we got engaged, we and Nik just wanted to spend the night in bed alone, watching movies having some wine. We were in the middle of watching Kill Bill when i got a call from my boss and i answered it immediately because I knew it had to be bad for him to be calling at this time. 


"He's back, get here ASAP" He says and I get up immediately

"on my way" I say getting out of bed, once I have up I put my phone on the nightstand and grab my folded sweatpants which are on the desk chair, I grab one of Niks t-shits and hoodies. As I am shoving them on I rush in the bathroom to wash my face quickly, do my teeth. 

"what was that about?" Nik asks and I sigh 

"Don't ask as if you weren't listening" I say as I run towards my desk to grab my keys, my keycard and badge and phone. I turn back to him and see the look on his face "look I am really sorry but you know I would go in unless it was important" I say walking towards him and giving a quick kiss

"I love you and I'm sorry" I say 

"love you too" he shouts as I run downstairs and out the house.

That was the biggest days of my life both personally and career wise. I was going to be marrying the love of my life, and I got put on the biggest case of my career. That night my boss was heading the entire operation, the whole of the FBI across the country and CIA was to drop as many cases as they can and work on this case. My boss asked me to man this operation with him. This was the greatest honour which I gladly took.

Present day

That was a year ago, a year ago today I got engaged. What have a planned for my wedding, the date (which is arguably the most important but) but that is it.This case was highly classified terrorist case, the wold world was involved so it took over my life. I was never home because I was going between base, to different states working everyday almost all day trying to catch this man. Elijah Bekah and Kol, would hardly see me anymore. 

The only times they would was when I was either entering or leaving. 

Nik, never saw me because I would always come home when he was out or asleep and I would leave before he got up. I would not be surprised if he though I was cheating on him.I obviously didn't tell him anything because I would be going against the law I work for. I would text and phone him whenever I was on a break. 

I was currently sitting in the briefing room with a few agents who were manning the case with me to discuss the latest video that was posted when my boss came bursting in the room and behind him was the head of the FBI and CIA. We immediately stood up and turned attention to them

"We have a new lead, one of our agents under cover had a siting of him a few days ago and according to his sources he is not planning on leaving anytime soon because they are planning another attack. So we need to swoop in and try and catch him before it gets any further." I say

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