What he gets for your birthday - Stefan

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I'll do the others if you like it and this is dedicated to Moonlight219 She has helped me a lot recently and she is so kind!!! Please go read her books you will love them

You woke up and you realised the day and you were quite excited. You looked at your phone to see texts from everyone wishing you a happy birthday even the Mikaelsons, Kai and Enzo. You walked down stairs to see a homemade breakfast with presents on the table, you loved with your brother because your parents past. So you hugged him tight and you decided to open one present before you go off to school you open it's your favourite perfume. So you get dressed, you put your favourite jumper which is big enough to be a dress so you wear shorts underneath and your thigh high boots and your brother offered you a lift because your crappy car broke down so you need to get a new one. You arrived at school to see your friends waiting for you by your locker and they yelled happy birthday day  Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler and Jeremy all hugged you one by one and handed you presents. The girls put money together and got you the Alexander McQueen bag and matching purse you always wanted, Matt got you your favouritesNFL teams jersey with your favourite player on the back, Tyler got you a bunch of your favourite make up items and Jeremy got you a pair of Nike trainers. "Thank you guys so much, this is so generous I have the best group of friends" Tyler speaks up "Well you deserve it" shouts hugging you. "I'm so excited for her party, we are going to take you shopping and buy you a dress and do you hair and make up so you look fabulous" Caroline bushes and the girls start to get excited and so do you, the guys are just laughing at you then look behind you and smile then you feels pair of hands over your eyes "guess who?" You knew who it was your boyfriend Stefan instantly and you cloud hear the smile in his voice you turn round excitedly "Stefan!" You hug him instantly "Happy birthday beautiful" you last and give a quick kiss the girls aw and guys make funny noises and you look at them and laugh and hug Stefan tight then he reaches in his bag and brings out a bright blue bag that you would recognise from anywhere and Caroline gasps "Tiffany's" you mouth is open "Stefan you really didn't have to" you say then you turn to the girls and ask if they could out your presents in your locker as you gently grab the blue bag looking at Stefan in disbelief and he just smiles you see one big box one medium sized box and one small box. You open the big one to find the necklace you always wanted, then in the medium sized box is a matching bracelet and in the small box is a ring. You take out the necklace and admire it "Stefan thank you so much this is so amazing thank you" you give him loving kiss then hug him again eyes watering. He gently turns you around and you lift up your hair as he puts it in for you and now everyone says aw. Then you guys have to go to class, throughout the day people say happy birthday to you, during one of your frees Ric asked to see you and he wished you happy birthday and gave you a present and just chatted, Ric had known you and your brother since you were little so he was very close to you so you just had a chat about everything then you had to leave to another class during this your brother came in and took your presents home. Your whole gang and double free at the end of the day so you met up by your locker. As you were waking to your locker you get pulled into a classroom by someone and it was Stefan and he leaned in and you shared a slow passionate kiss. When you stopped and opened your eyes he was looking down at you lovingly "I just wanted to kiss you before we met everyone and tell you how much I love you" you smile even more and say "well I love you too Mr Salvatore" you grab his hand and walk to meet the others as you grabbing your presents you say "Thanks again guys I could of asked for more or better friends I love you all so much" they all say they love you too then Stefan speaks up and says "a Well you have got one more" you look at him suspiciously and you see then all smiling "Stefan you really di" he cuts you off "Oh shh now close your eyes" you look at him with a look that says you didn't have to but you willingly closed your eye. He takes your hand with one of his and asked sure you keep your eyes and leads you outside and tel syrup to keep your eyes closed and stick your hands out. Then you feel another box in you hands. You. Open your eyes and look in the box to see set of car keeps for a Range Rover. Your mouth flies open and you look up shocked and look at Stefan standing in front of your dream car, you pr eyes start to water "Stefan this is too much I can't accept this" you day look back down at the key in your hands shaking it slightly" he just stands there smiling "Stefan you didn't need to get me this, you could have used the money for something better that you want, for something  worth it" but he walks to you and holds your hands "You are worth it, I don't need anything and I would rather spent it on something you need and lets face it you needed a car. Y/N Y/L/N I love you so much, more than anyone I have ever loved I will do anything  in my power to make sure you are always happy and I want to make sure there is a smile in your face everyday" He kisses you and puts his hands on your cheeks "I love you so much and I'm not taking no for an answer" he lifts the key out the box grabs your hand puts the key in it then takes your other hand and putting it over the other so the key is closed in your hands. You smile even wider and wipe the tears that were running down your cheek you approach the shiny black car you look back to your friends who are smiling widely the girls clapping and you open the car and sit in it. You smile and settle in the seat and you can't believe how lucky you are to have such a loving boyfriend.

I'll do the others if you want. I am planning doh gone for Damon. It I'll do other if you want. Feel free to leave a request as well!!!

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