Your dad is Klaus - Tyler

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You and Tyler have been g dating for a while and he finally meets your dad

You and Tyler have been dating now for about two months and you have had the best time. You also have failed to tell him about your family because you know how he would react to find out your father is the original hybrid who he despises. He is really sad that you can't meet his parents but he knows they would love you, he also keeps going on about wanting to meet your family and how he wants to get your dad's blessing to date you. But you know that will never happen. So that's why you haven't told him. Or any of your family. They know your dating someone they just don't know who.

"Cmon y/n, why can't I meet your family" he asks as you hit the pool ball into the hole
"Because I am not very close to them and they live back in England anyway" you say nit looking at eye contact
"Why are you lying to me, do you not want me to meet them?" He say grabbing a hold of your waist so your facing him. You sigh and put your hands of his chest
"There is nothing in this world I would love more than for you to meet my family but aren't like a normal family and I know meeting them will ruin this and that is the last thing I want to happen" you say giving him a quick peck
"But surly your father would want to know who his daughter is dating. plus I want to thank him for something" he says raise your eyebrow
"Thank him for what?" You say and he smirks
"Giving me you" he says as he leans in and you kiss. You pull away and you look towards the door and you see Elijah standing their looking at you giving you the "What have you done look" you pull away from Tyler and you walk towards him pulling his arm and walking out the door and locking it from the outside so Tyler can't follow you. Once you and Elijah are outside you say
"Before you say anything, I know" you say and he shakes his head
"Y/n I don't think you understand what you have gotten your self into. Niklaus hates him and will never approve and I don't think I can either"
"Please don't tell him, I beg you" you say
"Do you know how fast your father can tell when your lying to him. I won't be able to keep your secret from him" you grab his hands
"Uncle Elijah if he finds out he will kill Tyler, this is my first relationship where there hasn't been an alterier motive involved. This is the happiest I have been in a long time. Please don't ruin this" he looks at you and kisses your forehead
"All I want is for your happiness but you know that can't happen if your living in fear of what your father will do. Either tell them by the end of today or I will tell Niklaus. He will react better if it comes from you" he kisses your hand then heads off in the other direction. You take a deep breath then unlock the door and you walk back looking at a worried and annoyed Tyler.
"What was that about, why were you with a Mikaelson" he says pointing at the door.
"I will tell you but we need to drive somewhere first" you say as you motion for him to take your hand which he looks sceptical
"Do you trust me?" You say and he sighs and takes your hand and you guide him to your car.

The car ride is filled with silence until Tyler speaks up
"Y/n what is going on, you still haven't told me what you were doing with Elijah" you take a deep breath
"Tyler I am not cheating on you if that is what you are insinuating but I have been keeping something from you about my life. I haven't told you for your safety but if we continue on like this I am worried for your life so please when we arrive do not make a sound and I'll explain everything" you say and he was about to reply but you were turning into your driveway and he realises where you are. He looks from the building to you
"Why are we here"
"What did I just ask you now please I'm begging you be quiet" you say as you park. You looks at him with pleading eyes tears building up because you are scared to what your fathers reaction with be like. You both get out the car as Elijah appears in the door way, Tyler instinctively moves in front of you but you step aside hi hare about to speak up when you are grabbed and sped beside Elijah behind Klaus
"How dare you show up here" he speeds and throws Tyler against the house and you wince
"Do you have a death with because I'd happily oblige" you can't stand this
"Stop stop please! Don't hurt him" you say running towards your father
"Why do you care." He says
"He's my boyfriend" you say and he looks at you with a mixture of rage and confusion as he drops Tyler 
"He's your what?" He says as he turns to you
"Your dating him?" You looks at him with tears falling down your cheeks
"What's going on?" Tyler says getting up and Klaus turns round laughing he grabs Tyler and puts his head in a deadlock facing you
"You my friend happen to be dating a member of the most powerful family in the world. You sir are dating the daughter of the original hybrid" he says tightening the grip with every word then he pushes him towards you. You grabs him crying but he pulls away
"He's your father, the guy that ruined my life is your father. You lied to me, how could you do this. You are a manipulative bitch" you look at him shocked and your father grabs him by the neck with a very tight grip
"What did you just say to her" he says and you speak up
"Let him go" you say and he does
"If that's how you feel your free to leave" Tyler looks at you with utter disgust and leaves. You watch him go then look up at your father emotionless
"Got what you wanted you always do. Your highness" you mockingly bow and walk away and you approach Elijah and he is about to say something but you push past him. Leaving your father looking at you after you with a worried/ sorry expression and Elijah giving him a look them heading in after you.

Part 2?

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